Documentary on Predictive Programming and Thought Control: ‘The Occupation of the American Mind - Israel's Public Relations War in the US’

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According to FUNKTIONARY:

SARC – Self-Appointed Ruling Class—the noblesse oblige. 2) the overruling class elite. SARC controls the Corporate federal and state levels of stationary bandits and territorial gangsters better known as or doing business as “government,” university systems, political machines (as evidenced by Presidential [s]elections), mainline dependent media, the gangbanking system and most major multi-national corporations. Through its political and financial prowess, it is able to create (and impose) a collective virtual bozone layer reality conjured up and sustained by ritual white magic. (See: Statutory Oppression, Stationary Bandits, Corporate State, Involuntary Servitude, Bozone Layer & Territorial Gangsters)

mind control – a misnomer for thought control, e.g., a dollar is a dollar is a dollar. 2) corporate religion and T.V. 3) Media. 4) belief in granfalloons. Mind control comprises three sequential steps—Unfreezing, Changing and Refreezing. The essence of mind control is that it encourages dependence and conformity, and discourages autonomy and individuality. (See: MEDIA, Indoctrination, Pixilated People, Thought, Brainwashing, Unfreezing, Refreezing, Unsucking, Hypnotism, Isolation, Data Smog, Predictive Programming, Cultural Conditioning, Indoctrination, Programming & Granfalloons)

Monkey-Vision – imitation station—we begin to imitate what we see on network, Internet videos and cable TV—monkey see, monkey do. Monkey-minded people will watch any program on television rather than to watch no television at all. Before you get used to it, you will get used by it. While we’re monkeying around, we’re being monkeyed-down to the point where most people will stare at the screen rather than be alone with their thoughts causing them to scream. With Monkey-Vision, we never have to be told to do anything, just simply shown, repeatedly, with calculated precision. (See: Schooling, Conditioning, The Federal Hollyork Complex, Predictive Programming, Recall Button, Indoctrination & MEDIA)

predictive programming – an ancient technique of downloading (marketing) an idea into the subconscious of the conditioned mass-mind (step-by-step) guiding (bringing) the duped victims into a desired or predetermined conclusion that they actually believe was consciously derived on their own. Predictive programming works down through the centuries like a charm. Everyone is standardized with the same indoctrination—conditioned under the same mis-education and disinformation. Since we all watch the same TV and download the same standardized education, it never occurs that we are getting conned, uploaded, downgraded, brainchipped and ultimately faded from any memory of being an individual self. “Most folk’s beliefs and what they think is induced beliefs, is propagated into them through repetition as Bertrand Russell said. Just repetitive advertising and people start parroting it in their daily lives and it’s actually changing the structure of their mind into acceptance of something they don’t even perceive yet.” ~Alan Watt. With predictive programming you are entrained to accept something that has not yet happened (but will) and respond to it just like the characters in the movie—performing and dream-weaving what you’ve subliminally consumed. (See: THC, Borg, Pathocracy, MEDIA, T.V., Money, Deaf-Effect, Schooling, Education, Indoctrination, Cultural Conditioning, Dollar, “Government,” Authority, DOOR, Zombie, Android, Belief, Cognitive Dissonance, Clocksuckers, Chemtrails & Democracy)