Reward and Punishment in The System of White Supremacy: Elites Drop Poop Daddy After Years of Promoting Him on Various Platforms They Own and Control b/c All Showcase Blacks are Disposable/Replaceable

From [HERE] With so many sexual assault, abuse, and sex trafficking lawsuits and accusations against Diddy, people are thinking a lot about his reputation. More specifically, they are considering his massive influence, financial stake, and ubiquity in the entertainment sphere, a presence that these allegations are shifting quite dramatically. Moreover, folks are reacting to Sean Combs' legacy change in real time, although some initiatives to de-platform him in the wake of these alleged crimes seem more futile than others. For example, an alleged representative for the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce reportedly spoke to TMZ about one particularly visible and popular accolade of his: his Walk of Fame star. [MORE]


ELITES RETIRE THEIR SHOWCASE OF DIDDY. CAN HE MAKE IT W/O THEM? Neely Fuller correctly states that in the system of racism white supremacy Black people are subject to the direct and indirect power of elite racists in all areas of activity including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, religion, Sex and War.

In the area of “entertainment” the dependent media, “a segregated white-owned enterprise with billions of dollars at their disposal,” makes great use out of Showcase Blacks to control the behavior and thinking of Black and other non-white people. Said auto-coons have priceless value to racists in the system of racism white Supremacy.

Showcase Blacks are “coin-operated,” high-profile blacks that are constantly paraded before the public. They may be political dignitaries, pro athletes, entertainers, educators, business people, judges or elected officials. In general, their real purpose is to mask the REALITY of being black in America. [MORE]

Showcase Blacks are literally the creation of elite racists who launch and promote their careers on various platforms they own and control. Elite racists (liberal or republican) are the deciders, choosers and creators for the success or failure of showcase Blacks; they select and groom the potential celebrity as they see fit. Most have no independent power or ability to have the same success without the backing of elite racists. As such, said coin-operated Blacks are compromised sambos and SNiggers paid to do as their white masters direct them. Showcase Blacks are rewarded handsomely for their activities and their created personas are a career investment. But they are also disposable and easily replaceable.

Bear in mind that elite white supremacists/racists control the show. Showcase Blacks are not showcasing themselves, they are being showcased by white supremacists to promote some aspect of RSW. [MORE]

Showcase Blacks are tools for mind control and a necessary illusion of the racism/white supremacy system. Elite racists have created an army of these rolebotic, celebrity Blacks. FUNKTIONARY explains, “A role-bot merely plays the role of the mask - the personae - society issued and approved.” A main function of showcase blacks is to control the spectrum of ideas discussed by Blacks, control the parameters of dissent, parameters of political discussion and define what kinds of ideas or activities are "proper" and "reasonable" for Blacks to discuss or engage in. Through showcase blacks, elite whites present a numerous array of “black” personalities and characters in movies, tv, social media programming whom are obedient citizen-subjects to authority, pliable and in general compatible with the white supremacy dynamic and the servant role in a white over Black system.

Showcase Blacks thus function as rolebots to Black viewers who mimic and integrate said characters into their own personality and falsified Afrikan consciousness. “People see, people do.” Such “black” characters generally are SNiggering, dancing, singing, begging, emotional, joking, always non-serious, thug, nigger/ho/bitch, ongoing smiling face, sambo characters and reactionary personas who would never be fit to neutralize the system of racism white supremacy or destroy the master/servant relationship. [MORE]