[The Occupation of the “African American” Mind] Dr Umar: 'There Can Be No Liberation from the Master Servant Relationship Until We Change the Way We Think About Ourselves, Our People and Our Future'

According to FUNKTIONARY:

African-American – a non-immigrant Afrikan (mentally captured and economically indentured) in America. 2) the hyphenated-hybrid—implicated, marginalized, demonized, profiled, targeted, Xeroxed, incarcerated Afrikan misplaced in America. “African-American” is a dash surrounded by a paradox masked as contradiction; an existential aposiopetic pause—a stutter step for the proverbial cause—a tenuous graft that left us faded, jaded, degraded, and unwhole, and in fact, according to his-story, less than a half—one third human to be exact. It is the fool who says “I have lost nothing in Africa or I have not gained anything in America.” (See: Doctrine of Exclusion, Racism White Supremacy, Melanin & Genius)

Pan-Afrikan Nationalist – one forever down with the cultural and mental liberation and economic self-determination of Mother Afrika and her tricked-out daughter-in-love—Blackamerica—come hell or high water—both of which have come to past.

Pan-Africanism – a phrase invented by Africans, manipulated by British Intelligence operative cells, and financed by bankers in order that it may include oppressors of Afrikan people, namely, colonial interlopers (the slave-running subjugationist Pan-Arabcentrist Arabs across northern Afrika) and European White Supremacists (from the country called “South Afrika”), via well intentioned Afrikan created political bodies such as the Organization of Afrikan Unity (OAU), i.e., giving non-Afrikans a means by which to covertly sabotage and derail the development, direction and actual survival of the Afrikan liberation struggle. The phrase, terminology or ideology of Pan-Africanism is a eulogy fabricated for something that is very much still alive. It lives in the sense that we have reclaimed the power to define, or redefine if necessary, the structure, context, content and portent of our words and phrases that assist us in our efforts for Afrikan liberation around the globe. Pan-Afrikanism was initially promulgated by Diasporan Afrikans and only later by continental Afrikans. Pan-Afrikanism, in the spirit of Garvey-Nkrumah-Malcolm-Lumumba, precludes those not culturally, genetically, geographically, philosophically, chronologically and politically connected and committed through word, aspiration, asili, necessity and deed to the notion of and struggle for “Afrika for Afrikans.” Pan-Africanism is encompassed within and informed by the broader umbrella of Afrikan-Centrism. The next phase in the political movement called Pan-Afrikanism is to redefine it as an Afrikan-centered Pan-Afrikanism, encompassing the aforementioned attributes as the litmus test for those ascribing (or aspiring) to the noble mission of Pan-Afrikanism. (See: Afrikan-Centrism, Liberation, Phfreedom, LAND & Self-Determination)