pixelated: the condition of humans constricted by thought and inhibited by emotional thought forms into a boxed-in picture prison; imprisoned vision, screened-off from the clarity of reality- Dr Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY:

pixelated – the condition of humans constricted by thought and inhibited by emotional thought-forms into a boxed-in picture prison; imprisoned vision, screened-off from the clarity of reality. We spin around ourselves a cocoon of clear mental images (and idols) but our absence of the knowledge of the essences (the reality of emptiness behind the appearances) keeps them fuzzyunfocused— mentally trapped within the square box of the pixel. (See: TINT)

pixelated people – those with optical options but no insight in sight; fuzzy foresight, hazy hindsight, but no vision whatsoever. 2) L-7 squares. 3) those who unknowingly ride the acquired, inculcated L-7 trains of thought in daily life of dull routine, laborious drudgery, hopelessness and slogans. 4) fishbowlers—with a fish-head profile. With neither the courage to face life (in reality instead of in truth), nor the insight to renounce (the ego, not the world), neither the mental stamina to live (authentically), nor the intellectual vigor to enquire (unto the True Self), neither the imagination to believe (despite its center cut lie), nor the daring to disbelieve (a conviction still the same)—half-ass, half-amazing—utterly deluded, the pixelated populace. (See: Fisbowlers, Recall Button, Cosmic Schoolhouse, Dogma, Nimbus Truth & DYOG)