$crapitalism: in-fighting over the crumbs scattered on the dirt floor of the dirt-poor dropped by the monopoly capitalists and transnational statists at the table of plenty where you’re not invited

According to FUNKTIONARY:

$crapitalism – in-fighting over the crumbs scattered about on the dirt floor of the dirt-poor of society dropped by the monopoly capitalists and transnational statists at the table of plenty where you’re not invited, precluded, excluded and can’t have any. Through Corporate re-feudalization of the global population, too-late monopoly capitalism removes more and more people off the table of negotiation of self-determination or inclusion as the hungry, poor, destitute and disenfranchised scurry in economic injustice and judicial victimization through a haze of scarcity-based confusion. “Find the malefic forces that are encroaching upon your life and threatening the planet. It’s the very strange abstract amorphous entity called the corporation…we are converting a planet from substance to abstraction. The currency system, globally is an abstraction. We are destroying a whole planet, the lives of future generations for an abstraction. That’s a disease—and we have to address that.” ~Dick Mock. (See: Monopoly Capitalism, Gangbanking, Corporations, Gross Income, Labor, Property, Freedom, Oppression, Scarcity, Cultural Induction, Symbiocracy, GAME, BITS, Racism White Supremacy, COW, Justice, Public, Masses, Granfalloon, Statism, Fascism, Political Money, Usury, CrimethInc. & Greater System