The Constitution is Not a Pro-Freedom Document. Its Purpose Wasn't to Protect Rights but to Create a Centralized Authority, which is a Betrayal of the Ideas in Declaration of Independence- Larken Rose

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Constitution – black magic on white paper. A constitution is never better than those subscribing to it. Some of the worst tyrannies have been built on the under-structure of an almost perfect constitution. A government is what it acts out, not what it philosophically portends—not what it pretends. (See: Government, Genocide, Slavery, Communism & Aggression)

constitutions – pseudo-religious legal fictions (covenants). Constitutions must be claimed as limitations on those woefully subject to them: the Corporate State (“government.”) Constitutions are illegal fictions posing and imposed as involuntary and unilateral covenants on those who never signed (as a contract not only as a witness) a contracting agreement to it, typically amended every 20-50 years and abolished every 100-250 years; and, also, are legal fictions as covenants to those who do sign a contract granting consent to be governed by the construction of the intent of the meaning and wording therein. 2) unilateral contracts by and through legistraitors who gain power to create legislation and exploit the less cunning.

Constitution for the United States of America – an Iroquois Nation inspired Admiralty instrument grafted by Masonic influenced individuals resulting in the compilation of a secretly drafted document created to protect its special class of composers, i.e. “We the People of the United States,” (“We the People” meant the founding Framers ONLY and the Maritime-Admiralty corporation called the “United States” being a specific noun, i.e. place, fiction, because it had no specific geographical place at the time), which by law has no binding authority on anyone who did not sign the document. The Constitution is a lawful guideline for the “government” to follow, not for the dwellers upon the land (the populace) to follow. The general populace is subject only to the primary law, which states that you cannot create damage, infringement upon the rights of others, an obvious danger to others. 2) a Maritime-Admiralty corporation of a distinct class of People, trying to abrogate\obligate an unalienable right of people not so inclined to participate with/in by voluntarily contracting to it. 3) A document that was more conspired than inspired based on fraudulent intent. [MORE]

Constitutional Rights – mythical rites and contractual privileges; the so-called “government” has constitutional rights, i.e. 5th & 6th Amendment rights (powers), etc., you don’t. The Constitution did not and does not give (or bestow upon) anyone any rights. The Constitution and the so-called Bill of Rights for that matter, merely prohibits agents of the government from abrogating or abridging rights people already have or imagine they have (that one was naturally born with). An abstract fictional entity “government” cannot give you any rights, and even if reality was inverted to accommodate this illusion, anything functionaries of a “government” pretend to give they can take away, and the definition of rights is inherent things that cannot be taken away. The constitution is a document declaring law written to set up a government-cum-religion. The only relation the document has to human liberty is establishing means with which to control or muzzle it. Unalienable rights neither start nor stop at the revolving doors of the federal courtroom. One’s imagined “rights” are those that are unalienable allegedly or putatively guaranteed and poorly protected by the so-called “Constitution for the United States.” Only American Citizens as distinguished from “citizens of the United States” arising under grant issued by Congress and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, possess whatever unalienable rights they imagine having protected by the Constitution. No natural person has “Constitutional rights,” that is a pervasive misnomer—there is no such puppy. (See: Jim Crow, American Citizen, Congress, Habeas Corpus, Jurisdiction, Due Process, U. S. Constitution, License, Rights, Privilege, Cooperative Federalism, Privilege, Rights, Voting, Corporate State, Homeland Security, Citizen of the United States, American Citizen, Holodeck Court, Anarchy & PATRIOT Act, SSN, Unalienable Rights)