('biggest problem the Christian right has is with the Christ'): Ted Cruz's Dad Calls US a "Christian Nation," Says Obama Should Go "Back to Kenya"

Who's the Mack? From [HERE]  Racism is one of the most powerful motivating forces in the universe. Above, GOP puppetician's father vomits out the usual babble designed to provoke them and you. [MORE] (MotherJones has made the above YouTube video private). 

As stated [HERE] "the Republican Party is a racial identity party. It is designed to appeal to white people as white people... not as union-members or as unemployed people or as home-owners... as white people.  It is a crude racial-identity party and the numbers bear that out. It is an almost exclusively white party. Many white people vote Democratic, but the Republican party is pretty close to all white. (A fact that is soft-pedaled in out national dialog because it makes the modern Republican party sound like a racist institution, which it is.)" 

Obama and the Democrats are also skilled in the use race to motivate or pimp. Undoubtedly, Obama & the Democratic Party will make great use of the above clip to raise big money and excite their votary, especially the non-white ones. Like Republicans, stuff like this is their program. Dems continue to deliver little of tangible value to the lives of non-whites, the people they claim to represent.  

The above is also a not so subtle attempt to divide and conquer non-whites, specifically Latinos and Blacks. White people (Republicans and Democracts) do this to conceal their true minority status in the world (a vanishing majority in the U.S.).

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained: "whites are vulnerable to their sense of numerical inadequacy (90% of the world is non-white. Yes, 90%). This inadequacy is apparent in their drive to divide the vast majority of non-whites into fractional, as well as frictional, minorities. This is viewed as a funda­mental behavioral response of whites to their own minority status.

The white "race" has structured and manipulated their own thought processes and conceptual patterns, as well as those of the entire non-white world majority, so that the real numerical minority (whites) illusionally feels and represents itself as the world's majority, while the true numerical majority (non-whites) illusionally feels and views itself as the minority." [MORE

"It is reasonable to believe that racism does not serve God" [MORE] The use of Jesus is also pure game. When Jesus said, "when you have done it for the least, you have done it for me". He was not referring to the smallest oil company or the least powerful corporation." These folks stand for permanent war, hate poor people, sick people and gay people - none of which the so-called Christ was against. [MORE] White supremacy itself is a religion and Christianity is one of its tools - "most fundamental and absolutely critical to the white supremacy system of religious thought was the formation of the Image of a white man as the "son" of God." [MORE] In above photo, white Jesus spotted in bird poop on windsheild in Ohio [for real