Washington Post/ABC News Poll Finds that Majority of Whites Deny Racism Exists & Some Fear Interracial Marriage

From [HERE] The Washington Post and ABC News poll found that the majority of whites believe that racism does not exist. Specifiically, 58% of whites polled said that they believe that African Americans do not experience racism in their communities. [MORE]. The poll also found that sizable pockets of white voters say they would be uncomfortable with a close family member marrying someone who is black. Whites living in communities with few or no African Americans are more apt to express uneasiness than those in more diverse communities. 

The poll and articles about the poll do not define what the pollsters mean by "racism." Fear of interracial marriage is part & parcel of white fears of genetic annihilation. White genes are recessive. As a result, white people cannot reproduce when they intermingle or mix with non-white persons. White plus Black equals Colored. White plus Brown equals Colored. White plus Yellow equals Colored. And the white population worldwide is shrinking - less than 10%. [MORE] and [MORE]. Non-whites comprise 90 percent of the world population, and are collectively identified as minorities. They are playing us folks. Racism is a behavioral system of survival. Blacks encounter it everyday [MORE

Q: Thinking about people of different racial backgrounds, how many blacks, if any, live in your community - A lot, some, just a few, or none?

A lot  33%

Some 26

Just a few 33

None 5

No opinion 3

Q: (If blacks in community) Do you think blacks who live in your community experience racial discrimination, or not? IF YES: Do you think it happens often, occasionally, or rarely?

Yes, often 11%

Yes, occasionally 18

Yes, rarely 8

No, does not happen 58

No opinion 5

Q: (If not black and blacks in community) Generally speaking, do you think blacks in your community try as hard as people of other races to get ahead, or don't try as hard?



No opinion


(If not black) Imagine that a close relative of yours marries a person who is black, is that something you'd be entirely comfortable with, somewhat comfortable, somewhat uncomfortable or entirely uncomfortable?

Entirely comfortable 65%

Somewhat comfortable 16

Somewhat uncomfortable 8

Entirely uncomfortable 6

**NET Comfortable** 81

**NET Uncomfortable** 15

No opinion 5