Fake war on Terror: Airport Security is No Better, Two Studies Find

Security at American airports is no better under federal control than it was before the Sept. 11 attacks, a congressman says two government reports will conclude. The Government Accountability Office — the investigative arm of Congress — and the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general are expected to soon release their findings on the performance of Transportation Security Administration screeners. “A lot of people will be shocked at the billions of dollars we’ve spent and the results they’re going to see, which confirm previous examinations of the Soviet-style screening system we’ve put in place,” Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., told The Associated Press on Friday. Mica chairs the House aviation subcommittee and was briefed on the reports. ‘Best we've ever had’ The TSA won’t comment on the specifics of the reports until they are released, said spokesman Mark Hatfield Jr. Improving the ability of screeners to find dangerous items has been the goal since the government took over the task at about 450 airports in early 2002 and hired more than 45,000 workers. But earlier investigations showed problems persist. On Jan. 26, Homeland Security’s acting inspector general, Richard Skinner, testified that “the ability of TSA screeners to stop prohibited items from being carried through the sterile areas of the airports fared no better than the performance of screeners prior to Sept. 11, 2001.”  [more]