Uncle Tom Larry Elder Misquotes & Lies on Donna Brazile on Fox TV

Conservative TV and radio host Larry Elder quoted Gore-Lieberman '00 campaign manager Donna Brazile out of context to claim falsely that Brazile "referred to the Republican Party as the party of the white boys." Elder then opined that it would be "far more accurate" to describe the Democratic Party as the "party of the black boys." Discussing Social Security, Elder also repeated the Bush administration's faulty claim that "private accounts will disproportionately benefit black people." Though Brazile did say in 1999 that she would not let the "white boys" win, she made clear that she was referring to the "white-boy attitude" toward a black woman participating in politics, which she believes prevails in the political establishment as a whole. She did not attribute this attitude specifically to Republicans or any other group. The Washington Post reported Brazile's remark on November 16, 1999: "A black female in America is the most invisible object in the world," Brazile says. She will not let the "white boys" win. And that's not a description of "gender or race, it's an attitude. A white-boy attitude is 'I must exclude, denigrate and leave behind,'" Brazile says. "They don't see it or think about it. It's a culture." It is the sense of utter entitlement. And that she will not have. [more]

Larry Elder: 'Like Lionel Ritchie his Whole Style is Bitchy!' -- Larry Elder, like Shelby Steele before him, and Walter Williams before that, and Ken Hamblin before that, and Thomas Sowell before him, and Clarence Thomas always  --  says the kinds of things that most white folks love to hear: essentially, that blacks are the source of their own problems in life. Black cultural pathology and bad behavior, according to these types, explain everything from black poverty rates to black incarceration rates. What about racism?, you may ask. What racism? To the Larry Elders of the world  --  and to the whites who have made them media stars entirely out of proportion to their scholarly credentials (or decided lack thereof)  --  racism is just an excuse black people use to explain away their own internal shortcomings. [more]

The Party of White Men? No Doubt (including Larry Elder)

Consider California Republicans: California Republicans hold 70 state offices - 20 members of the 53-member California congressional delegation, the governorship, 15 state Senate seats out of 40, 32 of the 80 Assembly seats, and two of four elected Board of Equalization seats. Of those 70 officeholders, 60 are white males; only 10 are women or folks of color. The GOP Senate caucus comprises 14 white men and one lonely Hispanic guy. The GOP members of Congress consist of 19 middle-aged white males and one white woman.[more]