Pastor thou art loosed - 'My people let pharoah go'

Rev. Gregory Daniels, a Black minister in Chicago, made the statement, "If the KKK opposes gay marriage, then I'd ride with them." Bishop Eddie L. Long of Atlanta's mega church New Birth has called for a march from the King Center to protect the institution of marriage as being between one man and one woman. Earlier this year, over 160 African American pastors signed a letter addressed to the Congressional Black Caucus to protect the union of marriage as being between one man and one woman. I guess in their defense, at least the Black church took a position on the issue of gay marriage, whether it was wrong or right. Most of our Black elected officials and traditional organizations continue to be unable to do even that. I know that I am not the only person in America who finds all of this to be very disturbing. Black folks have much more pressing issues that we need to be outraged about than gay marriage. If Black pastors want to protect the Black family, they can start with advocating for more jobs and adequate healthcare for Blacks. One of the number one causes for domestic violence in relationships is stress derived from lack of financial resources. Black ministers should be advocating to garner more HIV/AIDS funding from the Bush administration as a way of protecting the family, instead of pushing a right-wing agenda designed to further divide the Black community. Protecting the institution of marriage is not going to pay your rent and put food on your table, unless you are one of the Black pastors who have successfully been able to use this issue to increase membership and tithes in the guise of Christianity. It will however, distract you from the issues that are really important in the Black community. [more]