Fairview NAACP supports Wal-Mart

Fairview residents learned Saturday morning that the Henry chapter of the NAACP is throwing its support behind a controversial proposed Wal-Mart in hopes of holding the discount giant to its promises to the community. NAACP President Daniel Edwards said the promises include higher entry level pay and insurance coverage for workers, a goal to not under-price mom and pop stores out of business and an effort to hire managerial employees from the community and not bring them in from other established stores. "Wal-Mart is notorious for having low entry-level salaries," said Edwards during a bimonthly town hall meeting at Fairview Elementary School hosted by state Rep. Stan Watson. "It is notorious for providing a salary employees can't live on. They are promising entry level salaries of $9.50 an hour." Edwards urged the nearly 100 residents to rethink their opposition to the proposed store, telling them to get the promises from Wal-Mart in writing. "We want it in writing," he said. "Because the NAACP is notorious for suing you." [more ]