['the criminalization of Blacks is prelude to murder'] Liar White Cop in Austin Body Slams Black Woman Teacher, then says 'blacks have 'violent tendencies'

Eyes filled with thoughts. According to the Austin police chief, Ms. King [112 lbs] was pulled over for driving 15 mph over the speed limit [MORE]. Speeding 15 mph is not a criminal infraction or an arrestable offense and carries no jail time. Traffic codes are used to target Blacks & Latinos. [MORE] The average traffic cop generates an annual average revenue of $200,000 for the government he serves. [MORE] and [MORE]. Here we have an unreasonable reaction from a white public servant. What kind of service can you provide to people you have contempt for? In the presence of Blacks, racists always feel inferior and can be easily overwhelmed by their lower selves. See "inferiority complex" in the Funktionary]

Question: Should I always comply with maniac cops? Answer: Should you always wear a raincoat? Question: [Like salmon approaching a bear] What stories were put inside Ms. King's head that enabled her to believe that she could have an arms-length conversation and make demands upon a white cop in a system of white supremacy? 

Labelling you Criminal to Justify Treating You Criminally. From [HERE] Officials in Austin are investigating the violent arrest of a black elementary school teacher who was body-slammed by a white police officer during a traffic stop. The investigation comes after the emergence of police video footage showing not only the June 2015 arrest but also a scene afterward, when another white officer told the teacher that officers are wary of blacks because of their "violent tendencies" and "intimidating" appearance.

"Ninety-nine percent of the time. . . it is the black community that is being violent," the white officer tells her in the video. "That's why a lot of white people are afraid. And I don't blame them." White prosecutors said they will likely present the case against the cops to a grand jury. [don't hold your breathe!] [MORE

In reference to racists Amos Wilson has explained, "projection is the ultimate put-down. Through projection the projecting party demotes and degrades his projective target as he enhances his own self-perception and self-image." Always endeavoring to undeceive, Dr. Wilson offers the following: 

"THE CRIMINAL IS one to whom an opprobrious label has been successfully attached. Labeling not only prescribes the behavior of others toward the one labeled criminal, or only negatively seeks to characterize him. It also tends to transform his self-concept and behavior in such ways that incarnates or substantiates the criminal appellation.

If to be criminalized, especially when the objective basis for such a designation does not exist, is to be dehumanized and to be related to as such by "significant others," then the criminalization of the African American male can be arguably said to have begun with the need of White Americans to justify their enslavement of Africans, and continues concomitant with their need to capitalize on unending African politico-economic subordination.

The cursing (a form of labeling) of another is tantamount to his dehumanization. It is usually a ritualistic prelude and justification for the other's subordination, or assault, or murder of another. The criminalization of Black people, particularly of the Black male, is a prelude for the rationalization of his economic exploitation, and ultimately, a prelude to the Eurocentric murder of the African population.

The American Dilemma

In its oppression of Black America, White America faces a major dilemma. The White ruling class seeks to project a self-image and public image which are liberal and nonviolent. It wishes to assume the appearance of being faithfully committed to protecting the constitutional and civil rights guarantees of all residents — regardless of race, color, creed, or condition of previous servitude — and to be perceived by them as inherently humane. At the same time the ruling class wishes to retain its power to rule, to maintain its tremendous wealth, power, hegemony and privileges. Thus it is confronted with a major contradiction: it cannot actualize its projected image and commitments without destroying the bases of its identity and power. Since this class is not committed to its own destruction we must logically infer that its projected self-image, public image, and sociopolitical commitments are false and hypocritical. Social equality and privilege across classes and ethnocultural groups cannot exist simultaneous with White American sociopolitical and economic dominance. Class privilege and advantage require the subordination of other classes and groups. For these reasons, American institutions operate in opposition to their publicized missions when dealing with the underclasses and subordinated groups. Consequently, the major social institutions which seek to project an image of objectivity and neutrality, in actuality operate in the oppressive interests of the society's ruling groups and against the interests of its subordinate groups. [MORE]