Racist LAPD Out of Control: Two officers used deadly force against Latino Man

Racist LAPD Out of Control: Two officers used deadly force against Latino Man at the same time a third fired taser gun
  • Police claimed that Man Attacked them. Videotape from 5 Camera Angles Show Otherwise.
An incident in which two officers fatally shot a suspect who was hit at the same time with a stun gun fired by a third officer has been called a "problem shooting" by Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton. Erick Jerome Garcia, 36, was shot in the early hours of July 16 at a Greyhound bus terminal.  Officers are reviewing videotape taken by security cameras at the facility, showing the deadly encounter from five different angles, according to police sources. Initial accounts described two officers firing at Garcia, who had been acting erratically and had thrown a computer at officers. He allegedly dived through the space beneath the counter with a small, pointed metal object.But LAPD sources said the videotape shows a man at the bus station crawling with the metal object at his side, and being shot by officers from at least 12 feet away. Craig Harvey, director of operations for the Los Angeles coroner's office, said Garcia was shot four times: in the head, chest and leg [more]