A White Woman is the Latest Derek Chauvin Accuser Claiming the Killer Cop Performed the Same 'Signature Pose' on her that he Used to Murder George Floyd in Liberal, Minneapolis

From [HERE] Disgraced policeman Derek Chauvin is accused of using the same deadly restraint against a woman just a few months before he murdered George Floyd.

Patty Day is suing him and the City of Minneapolis for $9 million in damages for injuries and psychological trauma she suffered during a January 2020 arrest.

The lawsuit filed by Robins Kaplan LLP in federal Minnesota court alleged that five months before George Floyd's death Day was 'violently jerked from her car' and thrown to the ground by Chauvin and his partner Ellen Jensen.

Chauvin then allegedly applied his knee to Day's back while she lay handcuffed - the same stance he would fatally take for nine minutes during his arrest of Floyd.

Day claimed that due to the excessive force, she suffered 'significant' arm and shoulder injuries, as well as a fractured tooth.

All the while, Jensen did nothing to intervene, according to the suit.

She argued the City of Minneapolis was aware officers within its police department had a history of 'gratuitous use of excessive force'.

'Sadly, my experience with Derek Chauvin is not unique,' Day said.

'George Floyd died at the hands of this individual, and had the City intervened on his behavior after my interaction, he could still be alive today... It was a traumatic part of my life that I hope no one else will have to endure.'

Day, who was at the time communications director for the Minneapolis Department of Public Works, got behind the wheel after drinking on January 17, 2020.

Chauvin and Jensen showed up after someone called 911 to report a driver who appeared to be intoxicated stuck in a snowbank.