Crime Rate is Proof Chicago Cops Don’t Protect Black People. Yet Massa' Media Use It to Justify Treating Law Abiding Blacks Like Criminals as White Liberals Seek to Destroy the Right to Self-Defense

From [HERE] Earlier this week the Dependent Media reported that Sixty-five people were shot, five fatally, in shootings across Chicago last weekend. As per usual, every weekend massa’ media has a list of victims (rarely do they ever follow up about details and circumstances of the incident, such as whether it was self-defense etc.). This will weekend will probably be no exception.

Meanwhile liberal authorities upheld the Chicago Police’s right to remain violent by only giving the white cop who murdered Anthony Alvarez by shooting him in the back as he fled, a 20 day suspension. Additionally, the family of a 14 year old Black boy released videos of a white cop shooting him in the back with his hands up as he fled from cops in a gas station. He is now paralyzed. In March, liberal authorities also declined to file charges agains the officer who murdered 13 year old Adam Toledo as he raised his hands. Recall also that in 2018 a Chicago cop murdered Maurice Granton Jr. by shooting him the back while he was climbing a gate. Furthermore, in 2019 a white judge hooked up white cop Jason Van Dyke with a lenient 6 Year sentence (he only will serve 3 years) after a jury found him guilty of 2nd degree murder for shooting 17 yr old Laquan McDonald 16 times as he walked away from him and then while he was on the ground.

How does a reasonable, law-abiding non-white citizen living in a city run by elite white liberals measure the effectiveness of police? it seems logical to conclude that if a high number of crimes took place in Black neighborhoods then it means that police failed a high number of times to do their job of preventing crimes or protecting people in Black neighborhoods. If it occurs frequently it would seem then that police in general fail to do fulfill their perceived role of protecting Black people. Nevertheless, the Dependent media, which functions as “government media” in The Spectacle, always upholding authority, parroting police rationalizations no matter how ridiculous or factually unsupported and parroting facts from police perspective while assigning less credibility to civilian witnesses and perspectives, report crime numbers as if the police are helpless to do anything about crime. Often times the dependent media portrays cops as victims. We are made to believe that police are primarily engaged in actual police work and are aggressive crime fighters acting on behalf of people to fulfill their legal duty to Black citizens pursuant to the social contract, an agreement whereby citizens voluntarily agree to obey government authority in exchange for police protection and other services from the government.

Yet, in reality, crime data demonstrates that police don’t protect Black and Latino people and are not really involved in ‘police work’ in our communities. Rather, authorities use the perception and reality of crime to stalk, surveil, manage, control and kill Black and Latino people. Any beneficial “public service” provided by cops is random, incidental or done only under the most egregious or convenient circumstances and even then, it is done primarily to maintain manufactured public relations and provided on a compulsory, involuntary basis. Professor Alex Vitale states, “It is largely a liberal fantasy that the police exist to protect us from the bad guys. As the veteran police scholar David Bayley argues,

“The police do not prevent crime. This is one of the best kept secrets of modern life. Experts know it, the police know it, but the public does not know it. Yet the police pretend that they are society’s best defense against crime and continually argue that if they are given more resources, especially personnel, they will be able to protect communities against crime. This is a myth.”

Bayley goes on to point out that there is no correlation between the number of police and crime rates.” Vitale states, ‘the police have never really been about public safety or crime control.’ FUNKTIONARY states, “People who are awake see cops are mercenary security guards that remind us daily, through acts of force, that we are simultaneously both enemies and slaves of the Corporate state - colonized, surveilled and patrolled by the desensitized and lobotomized drones of the colonizers.”

Racists are obsessed with crime statistics in Black communities. According to the Sentencing Project, “Researchers have shown that crime reporting exaggerates crime rates and exhibits both quantitative and qualitative racial biases. This includes a tendency . . to exaggerate rates of black offending and white victimization and to depict black suspects in a less favorable light than whites.“Under the pretense of being concerned about the well-being of Black people, the liberal white media in urban areas in particular, sensationalize crime with overblown coverage and hyper alertness. To be explicitly clear, it is a guise because we live in a system of racism/white supremacy in which most white people (or the most powerful white people) seek to dominate or control non-white people with master-servant relations in all areas of people activity and who project and maintain unequal power and conditions in a white over Black system. Racists, either self-described as liberal or conservative, have no intention of changing this arrangement because they are the permanent enemy of non-white people. White liberals and conservatives spare no cost when it comes to placing Black people in greater confinement. Dr. Amos Wilson states,

"Given the historical and contemporary virulence of White racism in America and the injustice toward Blacks that such racism engenders, the number of arrests, incarcerations, and in many instances, convictions of Black males should be viewed with a jaundiced eye. The willingness of White Americans to heavily tax themselves in order to finance accelerated and increased prison construction, rapidly expanding police forces and so-called criminal justice system personnel, burgeoning private police and security establishments; their willingness to finance the incarcera­tion of a Black male prisoner upwards of $30,000 to $40,000 per year, in sharp contrast to their unwillingness to tax themselves to provide for the appropriate funding of the education of Black children and to commit themselves to the ending of racist employment practices; to provide adequate housing medical care, food and clothing; clearly implies that alleged Black male criminality plays a very important role in defining the collective White American ego and personality.”

Liberal white media engages in daily “white propganda,” which FUNKTIONARY explains “is a game two can play—which consists simply in repeating “I am better than you” and “you are utterly unlike (opposite to) me” over and over again; despite the historical record to the contrary,” is aimed at satisfying the imaginative appetite of the neuropean viewing audience. It feeds them with crime data to help otherize Blacks and support a posture already taken and projected; as these white simpletons believe crime stats are proof of the fantastic myth that Blacks are inherently criminal. Based on this unstated belief, white liberals go on using crime to justify treating Black people criminally in liberal cities, freely imposing punitive policies and socially distancing themselves from Blacks.

It should go without saying but White republican prosecutors and judges aren’t filling the jails with Black people in diverse, liberal cities like Washington D.C., NYC or Chicago. If you don’t believe it put down your phone and go watch the arraignments in your local criminal court run by white liberals. Then please count the number of white defendants you see. Elite white liberals control the material resources, media, government, utilities, property, commerce etc. in liberal cities. White liberal puppeticians, prosecutors, administrators and judges (along with their Black servant rolebots) use their authority to place Black and Latino people into greater confinement in places like Chicago. The real life arrangement in which nearly all arrests and criminal defendants are of Black people and all the persons doing the prosecuting and adjudicating are nearly all white, (perhaps considered disproportionate and protested to an extent by conscious liberals, always looking to reform) is tolerated in white liberal cities and considered a natural arrangement or outcome that occurs spontaneously, every day, decade after decade. Here, it also should go without saying that race is not real (racism is). FUNKTIONARY states,

race - a totally artificial theologically-driven, biologically-based, and scientifically-invalid “European” ideology of human genetic evolution and classification coinciding with the emergence of colonialism and the rise of the transatlantic slave trade. 2) hue-man’s greatest and most manipulated myth—just a pigment of your imagination. Race is not real but the psycho-socio-economic effects of racism surely is. Race as a biological construct has been created to be wrongly confused with ethnic identity in order to establish the sense of “otherness” and de-humanization of melanated peoples around the globe. . . Scientifically there is no such thing as “race” but as a social construct for divisiveness and exploitation, there are only three races, the rat-race, the ego-race and the hue-man race—i.e., Homo sapien sapien. [MORE].

But as demonstrated by white liberals during the COVID episode, who needs “science” and reality when you have dogma, fear, superstition, belief, stupidity and emotion, all of which are the substance of the granfalloon of racism/white supremacy? Neuropeans who imagine Black people to be inherently criminal can rationalize that it makes sense to stalk, stop, search, seize and fill the jails with them. Upon such human hierarchy clogic; Blacks naturally fall into inferior or servant positions and conversely whites necessarily maintain their master roles. As such, along with their conservative counterparts, white liberals use “black criminality” to simultaneously empower themselves.

Dr. Amos Wilson explains that “Black-on-Black criminality and violence play a crucial role in maintaining White American power in all of its manifestations.” Unlike many republicans who are overtly racist, “The bane of the African community is the exploitative White American community which projects a so-called civilized, fraternal, egalitarian, liberal face while concurrently seeking to maintain White supremacy.” White liberal crime coverage functions as propagenda in support this hypocrisy. Wilson further explains, "Alleged Black criminality, while evoking White American fear and loathing, reassures them of their vaunted self-worth, their assumed innately superior moral standing, of their self-congratulatory self-constraint in contrast with presumed Black American unworthiness, innate inferior moral standing, inherent criminality, lack of self-constraint and self-control.” “Black criminals function as a negative reference group vital to maintaining the White American self-image. The Black criminal is used to support the White American community's self-serving, self-justifying judgments of itself. White America's preoccupation with Black criminality betrays its own need for reassurance; betrays its own basic insecurity regarding its projected moral purity. Consequently, the higher the incidence of reported Black criminality, the more exceptionally righteous White America feels itself to be. The more righteous it feels itself to be the more intensely and guiltlessly it promulgates and justifies its domination and exploitation of African peoples at home and abroad.” [MORE]

In the real world police have no legal duty to protect citizens. Decades ago the Supreme Court ruled police have no legal duty to protected any victim from violence by other private parties unless the victim was in police custody. This little known, established legal realism is concealed in The Spectacle by the Dependent Media and puppeticians in their emotional rants about gun control. Said “well established” legal precedent applies regardless of circumstances such as whether police were present or aware of dangers or whether a mass shooting took place. Numerous federal and state courts have applied what is known as “the public duty doctrine.” For example, recently in the Parkland mass shooting case where a failure to protect children was claimed, the court ruled that students were not in “custody” and dismissed all claims against the police for a failure to protect students. The “public duty doctrine” is relevant here because it is more proof the social contract between government and citizens (the most articulated basis for the belief in authority which is basis of all government) is absolute nonsense. [MORE] and [MORE]

A responsible, capable and intelligent individual should be ready and able to defend himself and come to the defense of others when necessary, especially even more so because the police have no legal obligation to do so and police have failed miserably to protect law abiding Black people who are subjected to crime in their neighborhoods. Liberal puppeticians nevertheless make it difficult for them to defend themselves with strict gun control regulations. The 2nd Amendment allegedly guarantees individuals the right to possess and carry guns in case of public confrontation on the street or in the home. The Supremes have made it plain that “the right to “bear arms” refers to the right to “wear, bear, or carry . . . upon the person or in the clothing or in a pocket, for the purpose . . . of being armed and ready for offensive or defensive action in a case of conflict with another person.” Yet white liberals do everything in their power to prevent people from defending themselves. Illinois concealed carry license holders go through an approval process that is considered to be the strictest the country. Thereafter they are subject to purposeful delays where government orderlies take about 120 days to process applications submitted with fingerprints and 140 days for applications submitted without fingerprints. [MORE] In Chicago citizens who use public transportation to work, shop or anything else are prohibited from carrying a concealed gun to defend themselves while doing so. [MORE]

Liberal puppeticans use emotion and dogma to manipulate people into believing that citizens are safer in their homes and on the street when they are unarmed. Safer when unarmed. Slow down and think about that mechanically; 1) walking around [Chicago] you are more safe without a gun and more safe in your home [in Chicago] without a gun as thugs are trying to come through your front door - this is fantastically stupid liberal dogma. FUNKTIONARY explains, that among other things, dogma is “instructions on what to believe and how to believe it” and “The objective of dogma is to bind the mind to error.” [MORE]. According to liberal authorities; criminals would rather rob, assault or confront an armed person in public and burglarize an armed household and commit felonies once inside, such as rape, theft or murder against armed residents; oh, and criminals, hell bent on committing murder or selling drugs, nevertheless, are otherwise law abiding obedient persons who intend to follow gun laws because they are morally and legally obliged to do so. An example of the application of these jesusized beliefs is where white judges and lawyers tell Black victims of crime in courtrooms that documents issued by the court with the words “PROTECTION ORDER” prominently displayed are what will keep them safe, not a loaded gun in the house.

Contrary to this racist fantasy, statistician John Lott has observed that due to the inability of the police to protect law abiding Black people, the current power imbalance between them and criminals is the greatest in black areas in cities like Chicago. White liberals go through considerable effort selling Blacks gun control with emotional rants and other issues that have nothing to do with neutralizing racism/white supremacy, empowering Black communities and engage in non-results oriented politics. Lott states, “With the extremely high rates of murder and other crimes committed against blacks, it is understandable why so many blacks are concerned about gun control.” However, he states “the irony is that blacks actually benefit more than other groups from concealed-handgun laws. Allowing potential victims a means for self-defense is more important in crime prone neighborhoods. Even more strikingly, the history of gun control in the United States has often been a series of attempts to disarm blacks. In explaining the urgency of adopting the U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment, Duke University Law Professor William Van Alstyne writes:

It was, after all, the defenselessness of the Negroes (denied legal rights to keep and bear arms by state law) from attack by night riders—even to protect their own lives, their own families, and their own homes—that made it imperative that they, as citizens, could no longer be kept defense- less by a regime of state law denying them the common right to keep and bear arms.

Indeed, even in the 1960s, much of the increased regulation of firearms stemmed from the fear generated by Black Panthers who openly carried guns.” Lott’s study found that concealed carry laws overwhlmingly benefit Black people by reducing violent crimes in their neighborhoods. Lott explains, '“Blacks and those living in urban areas gain the most from being able to defend themselves with concealed hand- guns, since the absence of police appears most acute in black, central-city neighborhoods. . . These results should at least give pause to the frequent attempts to pass city ordinances and state laws banning low-cost, “Saturday night specials.” Indeed, the results have implications for many gun-control rules that raise gun prices. Law-abiding minorities in the most crime-prone areas produced the greatest crime reductions from being able to defend themselves. Unfortunately . . these new laws risk disarming precisely these poor minorities.” [MORE]