All kinds of Apologies, Symbolic Gestures, PropaGandhi & Reification Offered in “The Spectacle" to Lay a Foundation for the Next Murder by Police & Maintain Obedience to Authority

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Last night rolebot Regina Romero, the 1st Latino mayor of Tucson was interviewed by rolebot Rachel Maddow about the torturous police murder of Carlos Ingram Lopez. Romero simulated delayed outrage about an incident that took place 3 months ago and Maddow asked scripted questions. In great deference to their masters and reverence to authority Romero couldn’t say whether a murder took place on the video in which white cops sit on Lopez while he is restrained and suffocate him to death by putting a plastic wrap over his face as they laugh and order him to “calm down” until he is gone and Maddow couldn’t think of a real follow-up question to ask. Do-gooders are some sick motherfuckers. [MORE]

FUNKTIONARY explains, to “apologize” is to “lay the foundation for a future offense.” An “apology” is “a plea bargain in disguise” or can be a device to avoid conflict. Apology is a trick - applied as anger solvent - you need not be authentic in your apology as it is merely a social device (gesture) to detonate anger. Apologies, like excuses, are not for the benefit of the one to whom they are made, but the one who makes them.” FUNKTIONARY further states,

reform - superficial change in form and formalities (fictitious change) which only further lubricates the status quo by renovating and painting old society in new colors. 2) appearance of change sans the change. Reform is always in the service of the status quo and the politician: it serves the privilege of the past not the promise of the future. Reform creates hypocrisy as a matter of course. Reform is the first stage in the three "P,'s" in hue-man evolution; the other two being revolution and rebellion. There are two basic types of reformists: those who are preparing the ground for Third Eye revolution and those who are trying to prevent the conscious revolution. (See: Revolution, Status Quo, Barbarian, Meme & Change)

reformers - naive politicians. They came to do good and stayed to do well. Reformers themselves get reformed into the structure, consciousness and content of the dominant exploitative system--and thus become the system. (See: Revolution)

Reification - the artifice and act of converting men and women into incorporeal abstractions, and abstractions into tangible things through the cunning of manipulation of words. 2) word crafting specifically scripted to deceive. 3) mental conversion of an abstract concept into a material thing. Reification means any unwarranted extension of reality in the thing perceived or conceived. To reify is to take as real something which is not real or to confer a greater reality upon something than that which it has. Thus, reification means the taking as real that which is only apparently real; the taking as factual, concrete, or perceptual that which is only conceptual, the taking as absolute. That which is only relative. Taking the relational as if it had an existence, not necessarily a tangible existence, of its own. Webster informs us that reification is derived from the root word "Reif' meaning 'robbery' or 'to rob. Most of our socio-economic problems as well as our existential confusions and ontological delusions arise from our ignorance of the nature and application of reification in and grafted onto our lives (life-waves). Reification is one of the eight attributes of the OCTOCON. Through reification, we are robbed of reality with another's absolute truth (inverted falsehood). "Am I to blame if hallucinations and visions are alive and have names and permanent addresses?" — Karl Kraus. (See: "Dollar," Strawman, Absolute Truth, Symbolaeography & The OCTOCON) 

The Spectacle - a constructed reality; the concrete inversion of life; via the autonomous movement of the apparently non-living. 2) the mirrorization of the noumenon into the phenomenal universe without understanding or overstanding it as such an objectivization in duality. The Spectacle is not a collection of images but a social relation among people mediated by images. The Spectacle is a theoretical construct—a tool for explaining many things about society; how people live vicariously through the dominant images of production, consumption and power relations. It is the thoughtfofms in which people create, contemplate and consume mediated by images of what-life-is, so that they will forget how to live radically for themselves. It is the totality of images and illusions that alienate people from living, its the primary production of modern societies. It is ideology materialized. It is the social relations that are mediated by the mass media; it is what makes people apathetic and reduces them to inactivity. It is what prevents people from realizing what their collective problems are and dissolving them. It is what perpetually absorbs people into activities that prolong their misery. It is the mediated stream of unreality that channels desire-energy against itself, producing a separate world, a pseudo-world apart form one's self-history—from all those powerful institutions of Self-actualization. It is what motivates people to live a pseudo-life in submission to products and machines, basking passively in the acceptance of oppression, to blindly do what is manifestly against their own self-interest, to pollute the land they love and the air they breathe—it is a fundamental sickness of modern societies superimposed over and aided by the "Rolebots" (clones and drones) of Corporate State. It is the mass media and the propaganda from the pure war machine and the military prison industrial police state complex.

PropaGandhi - passive social non-resistance propaganda. 2) obedience-based servitude to the enforcers of granfalloons uncommonly known as Corporate States and any other group-entities. Mahatma Gandhi mostly walked barefoot which produced calluses on his feet. He also had a very weird diet sprinkled with bouts of fasting which made him rather frail and suffer intermittently from halitosis—this made him... "A super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis." (See: Poser, Class, Mass, Racism White Supremacy, Gun Control & Caste).

obedience - a Self-Other irreversible relationship in which there is only communication (mind-to-mind), i.e. no contact, and an imbalance of power. 2) the highest form of the power-fear systemic. 3) slavery sold to both children and adults alike deceptively packaged in a respectfully sounding label. 4) reverse terrorism. You can compel obedience but you cannot compel responsibility or respect. Everyone should have a say in waking-up to (or waking up from) whatever they have been programmed to obey. It is difficult to reduce to obedience anyone who has no wish to command. If you can't read very well and follow it up with the absence of critical thinking skills, then obey your masters and oppressors until you can—for your own survival. Life is more trouble-free when you obey. If you speak TV-English, by all means obey the beast, if you like freedom of movement with your slavery. TV's ought to have warning labels: "Use of this device can be hazardous to your freedom.'" How can you take a man seriously who watches T.V. obediently, drinks habitually and desires freedom too? The historian Howard Zinn is clear on the role obedience has played on our conditions throughout the centuries. "[Civil disobedience] is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions of people have been killed because of this obedience. ...Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war and cruelty. Our problem is people are obedient while the jails are full with petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem." More atrocities are commited in the name of economics than in the name of hate, ideological or religious intolerance. (See: Authority, God, Atrocities, Conditioning. TV, War, The COMB, Control, Power, Violence. Religion, Should. Duty, Hatred, Other, Inhumanity, Communication, Programming, Indoctrination, Poverty, Gangbanking, Education, Unlearning. Force. Orderlies, Police, Force Continuum. Judicial Tyranny, Residency, Labor, Property, Servitude, Critical Thinking, Holodeck Court, Questioning, Pulpit. TUFF. Authenticity. Fear & Authoritarians).