Only 5% Black: Legal System Excludes Black Attorneys & Filters Out Those who Refuse to Fulfill Complimentary Roles in the Lex-icon & System of White Supremacy

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In an interview last week with ABC Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby talked about the racially charged hate mail and threats that black women prosecutors face across the U.S. and the support network that formed as a result. She said, "I represent 1% of all elected prosecutors in the country." Said statement was in reference to the fact that only 1% of all elected prosecutors are Black women. According to the same study only 2% of all elected prosecutors are Black men while 95% of all prosecutors are white.

Such numbers may sound surprising but in the context of all attorneys in the U.S. they are the norm: according to the ABA only 5% of all attorneys are Black. Said number has remained steady from 2009 - 2019. The legal profession is nearly all white: specifically, it is 85% white, 5% Black, 5% Latino, 2% Asian American and 1% Native American. [MORE] and [MORE]

Diversity alone, while important in some respects, will not produce justice for Black and Latino people. The disproportionate number of Black attorneys should be analyzed within the actual context in which it occurs - the context of the system of racism white supremacy. Here, racism white supremacy [RWS] specifically refers to:

2) "The local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth—a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people." -Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, MD. 

Neely Fuller explained that racism is not merely a pattern of individual and/or institutional practice; it is a universal "operating system" of white supremacy and domination in which the majority of the world's white people participate.

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This white over black system is designed to control, dominate and exploit the labor of non-white people. As such, the above stated numbers should be expected. Said numbers are low and have remained low because cautious, elite racists do not want too many Black lawyers in their courtrooms.

In general, the small number of Black attorneys that are actually filtered into the legal system are merely tolerated and remain in active, semi-successful practice only so long as they indirectly or directly work in service of RWS or complement governmental authority in some manner. Gullible civil rights advocates and do-gooders such as Ms. Mosby fail to understand what they are dealing with.

Not dissimilar to professional Blacks in other areas of people activity the Black attorney primarily functions to help solve elite white people’s problems in some legal capacity - not his own peoples problems, he has not been trained or been given the means to change his subordinate social situation or acquire power to do so - he is in the courtroom to play a complementary role in the system of racism white supremacy. Black attorneys tend to be filtered in to work as court appointed defense attorneys, are hired as staff attorneys in non-profit organizations serving indigents, staff attorneys in the prosecutor’s office or they work for the government in some capacity. Super successful Black solo-practitioners and plaintiff’s attorneys and Black law firms are the rare exception.

Racism is the dominant feature of the criminal justice in the United States and a major goal of the white supremacy system is the greater confinement of substantial numbers of non-white people, particularly Blacks. As explained by Kenneth Montgomery, a former Black prosecutor for the Brooklyn, New York district attorney’s office, “prosecution is about locking black people up.” “I thought that because of who I was, because of the street and academic smarts I had, I was able to do some things that were more in line with justice. But, it was like putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound. In the long run, I didn’t think it was worth it, so that’s why I left.” [MORE]. The black prosecutor will be rewarded so long as he/she continues to lock up Black people. To the extent that a prosecutor decides to spend his/her time prosecuting other persons such as police officers or white folks he or she will be soon be disappeared, Kaepernick style.

Similarly the Black criminal defense attorney cannot change the system by working in it. In fact, the harder the Black defense attorney works the more he strengthens the perception of the criminal justice system’s legitimacy. Criminal defendants are supposed to lose criminal trials. The win-loss ratio for prosecutors is approximately 90%. As explained by Gerry Spence, “If a prosecutor is doing his job right, he should never lose at trial.” Such outcomes are by design and have nothing to with the quality of advocacy of prosecutors, who tend to be dull minded and possess inferior trial skills. Like a manager for a heavy weight champ, Prosecutors use their discretion to choose which cases to take on based on the strength of evidence and likelihood of success. They then use the vast power and resources of the government to charge a resourceless defendant and try him before a pro-prosecutorial, racist suspect bench or racist suspect ignorant jury populace.

It is important to recognize that the superior positions of whites and subordinate positions of Blacks in all areas of people activity must always be made to appear natural, inevitable or merely coincidental and never the result of intentional purposeful activity by elite whites. Such deception is absolutely necessary in order to maintain Black people’s belief in the system of democracy and in its concepts of “fairness,” “equality” and “justice.” Without such belief the system would collapse - that is, the system of RWS, which concerns a “power group dynamic” or a consensual master/servant relationship between whites and Blacks would cease to be cooperative. Said white over Black relationship is predicated upon false consciousness programming from birth, relentless propaganda and many, many lies consumed by gullible Black people. Amos Wilson explains, 

‘The principal ideological goals of the ruling White elite in America and of the White American nation taken as a whole relative to its domination of the Afrikan American community, are to legiti­mate and justify their superordinate position and power; generate the evidence which substantiates their claims to power and legitimacy; have their rule and domination appear inevitable and "natural," i.e., not the result of deliberate, perhaps malicious intentions on their part; gain the "freely given" consent of Afrikan Americans to subordi­nation to White Power; and to continuously reproduce the conditions of Afrikan American community dependency and relative powerlessness. The "manufacturing of consent" of the Afrikan American community to its own subordination — i.e., the ideological indoctrina­tion of the Afrikan American community in such ways as to neutralize its capacity to realize its potential power, to liberate itself from EuroAmerican domination — is achieved not solely through the White ruling elite's ownership and control over all the major ideological vehicles in the society, e.g., the electronic media, print media, educational and socialization institutions and processes.

The receptivity of the Afrikan American community to White American ideological propaganda is chiefly the result of having been socially and mentally conditioned by the systematic control of its concrete living conditions by the White American nation. The sustenance, control and organization of Afrikan American life by EuroAmericans permit them to significantly shape the perceptions, experiences, capacities, expectations and interests of Afrikan Americans so that justification for the rules of White power appear credible. EuroAmerican control of the Afrikan American historical and contemporary social and experiential context is such that it is extremely difficult for many Afrikan Americans to mentally position themselves outside that context so as to compare EuroAmerican propaganda and rules of power with alternative ideologies (specifi­cally Afrikan ideologies) and rules of power and challenge their apparent plausibility and credibility." [MORE]

In the court system manufactured consent is achieved through the appearance of justice. One hopes that court proceedings look fair because they are actually [substantively] fair. However, in reality the court produces nothing else but the appearance of justice. FUNKTIONARY calls this phenomenon the lex-icon, which means “law as image - the appearance of justice (the form) over the substance of justice via truth and law over humanity.” The lex-icon sustains your belief in the legitimacy of the legal system as a whole - without such widespread belief it would collapse; its decisions would have no weight amongst the disbelievers it intended to consensually bind.

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Within the lex-icon elite whites go through great effort to produce a show of “fairness.” This production includes the court’s emphasis on “procedural due process,” “professionalism” and leaves out no detail as it includes plastic flags, oaths, black robes, elevated judge platform, formalities, high ceilings etc. Also, occasional dismissals and acquittals of Black defendants are a necessary part of the illusion. Most essential, however, to the lex-icon in criminal courts are the presence of Black defense lawyers and prosecutors and Black judges and other Black courtroom staff, police, social workers and probation officers. How would the courtroom look if the defendant was Black and all the lawyers, judges and court staff were white? It would look rigged. This is no knock against hard working, passionate Black lawyers and judges. Despite their efforts they are a necessary part of the deception and strategy to mask the reality that “justice” is actually incidental, random and accidental in a system of injustice designed to be that way. The small number of Black prosecutors and defense attorneys obediently fulfilling their roles is actually the refinement of racism white supremacy. It doesn’t look racist when Blacks are sending each other to jail.

The words “race” or “racism” are four letter words rarely uttered in criminal courts. Racism is too real for the fake world carefully re-created in courtrooms. With the exception of egregious smoking gun proof of overt bigotry [which rarely exists], discussion of racism is off limits and outside of the mission that Black attorneys [subconsciously or consciously] are there to carry out. As with Black professionals in other areas of people activity, any act or attitude which appears to White Americans to defy White American authority, control or dominance will trigger a reaction from elite whites causing them to be eventually filtered out. Any Black attorney who names and challenges the system of racism/white supremacy in court most likely also will be filtered out. As with Black professionals in other areas of people activity, the Black attorney is disposable and easily replaceable. Such is the nature of RWS in a coercive system of authority.

Contrast with "Showcase Blacks" who are showcased by their elite white masters and handsomely rewarded by them for SNiggering, engaging in a host of mentacidal activities, promoting obedience to authority and the ongoing smiling face. [MORE] and [MORE]. 

The system of racism white supremacy cannot be integrated [white people are either racist or not] or reformed through moral suasion, civil rights, elections or "protest." The master-servant relationship between whites and Black people is a main source of Black people’s problems, it must be destroyed. No one can play master without servants - it is a two way relationship and it is in fact something Black people can control. Wilson explains,

'the white man’s so-called power, is to a great extent based upon the nature of the relationship he has with the Black man. We empower him by the nature of our own behavior and attitudes as a people. He cannot be what he is, unless we are, what we are. To a good extent, the European is our creation … yes. If we look at our behavior, we will see that to a good extent, it is our behavior, our values, our consciousness, the kind of personalities we’ve established in ourselves, our taste, our desires and needs; that maintains the European in its position.’  

Black people’s voluntary cooperative role in the white-over-Black relationship is maintained by our belief in this system. Wilson states, ‘Black people's uncritical acceptance of the rules, moral beliefs, perspectives, and their customary traditional participation in the American (White) political-economic process and system is tantamount to the legitimization of their own oppression and to the consensual insurance of their own powerlessness.’ [MORE]  

Wilson also explains that the refinement of RWS "requires that Blacks involuntarily and obsessively deceive themselves. This collective self-deception, which is the benchmark of oppressed Black consciousness, is the main product of White-Black social power relations, motivated by anxiety and ignorance, founded on the denial and distortion of reality. Such a consciousness and its produced behaviors require that Blacks operate against their own best interests in the interests of their White oppressors; that they be self-denying, self-defeating, and oftentimes self-destroying, while convincing themselves that the opposite is true.' [MORE] Elite whites remain in control by keeping Black people in this state of mental maladaptiveness - maintaining this mental state is a political, social necessity.[MORE]. Black people must individually re-examine their beliefs unlearn them and drop them altogether.

The destruction of the master/servant relationship does not mean destroying white folks or not having relations with them. It does mean that after a period of self reflection, meditation and unlearning Black individuals will no longer engage in master/servant relations with white people as a result of gaining a level of endependence. Thereafter, relations with white people can be either at arms-length or non-existent. When a critical mass of individual, self-respecting Black people do so everything will change.

Doc Blynd explains:

Endependence - the open declaration of the beginning of self determination, self-reliance and Self-realization that spells the end to dependence on objective truth-based truth, abstractions, reifications, granfalloons, father figures and organized religion. 

injustice” - the by-product of authority and its enforcement through legal fictions: the Corporate Police State and their tribunals. 2) forced obligations. injustice is the systematic means by which the greedy keep in check the needy. Injustice pervades; justice is incidental, accidental and random. “The paradox of injustice emerging out of justice has only occurred because the different standards of what is just have both been called justice.” JD Unwin. (See Holodeck Court, Greed, Control, Vices, Involuntary Servitude, Positive Law, Volunteered Slavery, War on Drugs, Master’s Rent, Lawful , Legal & Judicial Victimization).

Belief- the psychological calm of imagined certitude safely beyond de-stabilizing doubt and troublesome reality-entanglement. 2) a construction of approximate truths, absolute truths, mass truths and primary myths, based on genetic predisposition, and environmental and socio-psychological conditioning. 3) the institutionalization of the unknowable, i.e., a conviction that is not necessarily based upon any empirical, direct-mind or experiential knowledge. 4) a non-physical surviving thought-form. 5) any conclusion based on a fundamental assumption; the evidence of things not seen, no longer actively sought. 6) an intellectual
rationalization surrounded by (based on) "'proofs," reasons and arguments. 7) that which springs out of cultural ideology. 8) the greatest fiction. 9) a trick of the mind to repress doubt. 10) a mental doubt-suppression tactic. A suppressed doubt is neither faith nor even trust. [MORE]