Like the pretty white lady said, 'I don't give a fuck about Trump okay. Trump & Clinton are Both Dangerous' [staged dumbocracy election hoax]

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Always endeavoring to undeceive, Dr. Blynd, defines election as follows in the Funktionary, The Key Holders Enpsychlopedia. (Copyright 2004 Chocolate City Press) 

 Elections - the advanced auction of stolen goods. 2) rituals where periodically citizen-subjects are called upon to "participate" in the staged-hoax ratification of one group of state managers or another, which provides the comforting illusion of "democracy" where none exists. 3) Dumbocracy in action; stage prop to enable the puppeteer and his puppeticians to pull the strings of you and me. 4) show and shell games. 5) the orchestration and preservation of the illusion of choice and open competition. Elections merely determine how you will get screwed, i.e., either with a Democratic Phillips or with a Republican Flathead. Stop repeat offenders—don't re-elect them! Can someone find the one million votes that got dumped during the presidential election originating from Black area in state of Florida? Why do we accept ATM machines that will provide us with verification of a transaction by way of physical receipt but not with an electronic voting machine made by the same company? Why the brother (Athan Gibbs) who invented an auditable electronic voting system was all of a sudden a victim of duocide in his home town? (See: VoteScam, Secret Ballots Electionomics, Selectorate, Sheeple, Republicrats, Duocide, Crimethlnc, Bush Family Crime Syndicate, Electoral College, Candidates, Territorial Gangsters, Tyrant-Paradigm, Hadrians, NERVOUS & VNS)

Super polarized people believing they are participating in and influencing this rigged system. Like having an argument with police on the street. For what? Who will decide who wins your debate? 

Alex Jones from InfoWars and Cenk Uygur from YoungTurks above have a meaningless battle about nothing. Allegedly representing the radical extremes of both parties respectively (these are the established parameters of dissent - or "the box"; selected and established for you by white elites - "don't go outside the box") or one party. Unknowingly these folks are actually system legitimizers.

Really Doing Nothing. Like BK, selling you nuggets of dogshit and pretending its chicken. This week the Democrats' (the other white party in Philly for the crack) messaging to non-whites: "Fear Trump" and "You're getting nothing now. You might as well get more nothing from Hillary." [MORE] and [MORE] Nice pic though.