The Misuse of Mechanical Ventilation Created the False Appearance that COVID was Exceptionally Deadly, which in turn Promoted Acceptance of COVID Shots that Cause Sickness/Disability and Excess deaths

AI Links COVID Deaths to Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

From [HERE] Another piece of news that’s been making the rounds is that artificial intelligence (AI) has linked COVID mortality to unresolved ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), basically, a secondary bacterial infection caused by intubation that didn’t respond to treatment. As described in the abstract, published April 27, 2023, in the Journal of Clinical Investigation: 16 17

“We performed a single-center prospective cohort study of 585 mechanically ventilated patients with severe pneumonia and respiratory failure, 190 of whom had COVID-19, who underwent at least one bronchoalveolar lavage [BAL].

Given the relatively long ICU length of stay among patients with COVID-19, we developed a machine learning approach called CarpeDiem, which groups similar ICU patient-days into clinical states based on electronic health record data.

CarpeDiem revealed that the long ICU length of stay among patients with COVID-19 is attributable to long stays in clinical states characterized primarily by respiratory failure. While VAP was not associated with mortality overall, mortality was higher in patients with one episode of unsuccessfully treated VAP compared with successfully treated VAP (76.4% versus 17.6%, P < 0.001).

In all patients, including those with COVID-19, CarpeDiem demonstrated that unresolving VAP was associated with transitions to clinical states associated with higher mortality.

Conclusions: Unsuccessful treatment of VAP is associated with greater mortality. The relatively long length of stay among patients with COVID-19 is primarily due to prolonged respiratory failure, placing them at higher risk of VAP.”

Use of Ventilation Is Likely the Core Problem

While many have argued that this study shows secondary infections are to blame for many a COVID death, Modern Discontent 18 on Substack calls for prudence when interpreting these results, stating that upon closer scrutiny, the study doesn’t offer much in terms of substantial evidence.

Moreover, whenever you’re using AI, what comes out depends on what was put in, and in this case, CarpeDiem did not supply important data variables, and this may have skewed the results. Since “key factors have been excluded from the analysis there’s going to be several flaws in interpreting the correlative power of some of CarpeDiem's results,” Modern Discontent warns, adding:

“Overall, I’ll argue that the study has serious issues in outlining their data. There’s a ton missing here, including which bacteria were cultured from BAL samples.

The timing of BAL collection is up in the air, and the study also doesn’t make it clear early on how many patients actually experienced an episode of VAP, whether in the COVID group or the other groups (you have to dig into the actual body to find a reference to VAP episodes).

The lack of organization makes the study rather difficult to read, and I won’t say that I have it figured out yet ... It’s quite clear that many of these individuals are already in various states of severe respiratory distress and failure as noted by the clinical states and relative mortality rates, making these people more at risk of death irrespective of from SARS-COV2 or a bacterial infection ...

It’s not necessarily the secondary infection that is cause for concern, but the fact that many patients require ventilation.

Upon ventilation, the secondary concern may be the secondary bacterial infection, although the researchers don’t provide any insights into why some patients were not able to resolve their VAP episode. This is, again, an issue with the lack of data provided by the researchers themselves.”

COVID Jab Accepted Due to Ventilator-Driven Death Toll

Now, aside from the massively coercive PR campaign, one of the reasons that many accepted the COVID shot without much deliberation was the fact that hospitalized COVID patients were dying in droves. They didn’t want to end up on a vent and die, and all the pundits said the shots would prevent you from getting seriously ill and dying.

The problem, of course, is that mechanical ventilation should not have been a standard treatment for COVID, and some doctors realized this within a few weeks. High-flow cannulas and proning were far more effective. 19

The reason mechanical ventilation was promoted as an early intervention was not because it was helpful for the patient, but because it was thought to protect the staff from the virus. It was a strategy to reduce contagion. 20

 This was detailed in provider guidance 21 from the World Health Organization in March 2020.

The guidance recommended 22 escalating treatment to mechanical ventilation as rapidly as possible to isolate the virus inside the mechanical vent machine. In other words, they put patients on a treatment they knew would likely kill them to “save” staff and other, presumably non-COVID, patients.

Considering this context, blaming the death of vented patients on secondary infections may be little more than an attempt to shift blame away from hospitals that adhered to these ineffective and dangerous protocols.

I disagree with Modern Discontent when he or she says that the primary concern is “the fact that many patients require ventilation.” There’s plenty of evidence that says they don’t, and without ventilation, the risk of ventilator-associated secondary bacterial infection drops to zero, does it not? Secondary bacterial infections may still occur, but they won’t be VAP.

So, in conclusion, the misuse of mechanical vents created the appearance that COVID was exceptionally deadly, which in turn helped promote acceptance of the experimental COVID shots, which are now a leading cause of frequent sickness, chronic disability and excess deaths.

You Don't Live in a Police State? An FBI Contractor Previously Hired to Infiltrate Islamic Terror Groups is Now Paid by Uncle Brother to Focus on/Surveil Groups Organized Against Deadly COVID Mandates

From [HERE] An FBI surveillance contractor infiltrated the chatrooms of two airline industry groups opposed to vaccine mandates to collect intelligence on the groups’ organizing activities, investigative journalist Lee Fang reported.

The contractor, Flashpoint, which in the past infiltrated Islamic terror groups, now focuses on “anti-vaccine” groups and other domestic political organizations, according to Fang.

In a webinar presentation for clients last year, which Fang analyzed on his Substack, Flashpoint analyst Vlad Cuiujuclu demonstrated his company’s methods for identifying and entering encrypted Telegram chat groups.

He explained how the company attempted to join chatrooms of transportation workers resisting the COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Fang described the presentation:

“‘In this case, we’re searching for a closed channel of U.S. Freedom Flyers,’ said Cuiujuclu. ‘It’s basically a group that opposed vaccination and masks.’

“As he clicked through a database, Cuiujuclu showed a chat group on Telegram sponsored by Airline Professionals For Justice, another group formed by airline industry workers opposed to the mandate. The forum, he added, provided useful insights, including Zoom links for meetings of the grassroots organization.

“‘Private chats,’ said Cuiujuclu, ‘require for you to have an invite link,’ which he noted can often either be found by scrolling through public forums or by ‘engag[ing] the admin of that channel.’”

Flashpoint also offers clients artificial intelligence and internet scraping tools.

According to Fang, the firm is a leader in the “threat intelligence industry,” a growing number of security and surveillance firms that create fake online identities to infiltrate Discord chats, WhatsApp groups, Reddit forums and dark web message boards to gather information for clients, including corporations and the FBI, to monitor potential threats.

Joshua Yoder, president of US Freedom Flyers, said he is aware that Flashpoint infiltrated private chat groups associated with his organization.

Yoder told The Defender:

“Tradecraft and other strategies are often used to gain inside knowledge of conservative organizations with the intent to disrupt, mislead and otherwise thwart effective campaigns.

“Infiltration is a tactic used by the deep state to prevent the truth from being told by attempting to destroy the advancement of the message. The team at US Freedom Flyers has been successful in recognizing these attacks and we have taken decisive actions to protect the organization and our members.”

Aviation industry workers were some of the most vocal and organized against COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

They wrote an open letter to the aviation industry signed by thousands of organizations, physicians and pilots. They also organized research on the risks of vaccines for pilots, spoke publicly about the “culture of fear and intimidation” around the mandates in the industry, and filed multiple lawsuits in Canada, the Netherlands, and the U.S.

US Freedom Flyers brought a lawsuit against Atlas Air, one of the largest air cargo carriers in the aviation industry, in May 2022.

Fang told The Defender the targeting of American citizens resisting the vaccine mandates fits into a long history of surveillance being used to subvert democracy. He said:

“There is a long sordid history of informants and surveillance contractors working to undermine democratic engagement in this country.

“The push against regular citizens opposed to COVID-19 vaccine mandates has come in many forms: censorship, demonization and in this case, surveillance.”

The growing market for spying on domestic dissent

Flashpoint advertises its surveillance success on its website, providing examples of its work undermining environmental activism, G20 protests and protests against the aviation industry.

The webpages describing these activities were taken down after Fang published his investigation, but they can be found on the Wayback Machine internet archive.

For example, Flashpoint described its capacity to monitor activists organizing against pollution and the aviation industry. The website said:

“By monitoring the situation and assessing tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP’s), Flashpoint was able to assess the impact of upcoming protests, and determine that these groups would likely continue to protest and attempt to impede airport construction and expansion projects through direct action. …

“Based on this information, Flashpoint customers were able to take actions to help control the impact to business operations, and to ensure the safety of their employees and facilities as well as the safety of those protesting.”

Flashpoint was founded by Evan Kohlmann, former NBC News contributor who investigated Islamic terror groups and whom The Intercept described as “the U.S. government’s go-to expert witness in terrorism prosecutions.”

Jack Poulson of Tech Inquiry, a group that researches the surveillance industry, told Fang that “Flashpoint has been selling its chatroom infiltration services to companies and governments for years.”

But, he said, it has shifted its focus from “surveilling Muslims after September 11” and “followed the money into both the Pentagon’s information warfare programs and the business of monitoring domestic protest groups.”

Last year, Flashpoint acquired Echosec Systems, another intelligence contractor, and last month it formalized a partnership with Google Cloud.

These acquisitions come in addition to “a steady stream of contracts to Flashpoint in recent years from the FBI, the Department of Defense, Treasury Department, and Department of Homeland Security, among other agencies,” Fang wrote.

Fang also spoke to Jay Bhattacharya, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine at Stanford University, research associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research and one of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration.

Bhattacharya said:

“This kind of domestic spying violates the implicit protection Americans have in these kinds of settings.

“This isn’t terrorism, this doesn’t have anything to do with national security.

“This is a private set of employees, workers who are trying to maintain their jobs in the face of unscientific demands for COVID vaccinations.”

'There’s no such thing as an "mRNA Vaccine." Stop calling it that. It is a gene-editing technology used to invent new species, create autoimmune diseases, cause cancers and to develop bioweapons'

By Calling mRNA Injections 'COVID-19 Vaccines' Instead of Bioweapons We're Protecting Criminals From [HERE] Millions of innocent adults and children were subject to perverse and cruel experiments and murdered during the WWII Holocaust because local government officials and public servants throughout European communities were willing to assist in the killing of their fellow citizens, while simultaneously defending their heinous actions and the tyrants they obeyed. The other community members who believed that they were safe from the tyrants’ cruelty were too afraid or apathetic to speak out against their government and community leaders. Sound familiar?

The most evil crime in our nation’s history is being committed right now, on our watch. American adults and innocent children are being injured, disabled and killed by being psychologically manipulated and coerced into participating in a heinous global experiment of being injected with mRNA technology bioweapons under the guise of COVID-19 vaccines.

There’s no such thing as an mRNA vaccine. Stop calling it that. mRNA is and always has been part of the category of gene-editing technologies. Gene-editing technologies are used to invent new species (from viruses, to plants, to hybrid parasites and animals), create autoimmune diseases, cause cancers, and to develop military-grade bioweapons.

mRNA gene-editing technologies have been researched and developed for over 40 years, drove companies into bankruptcy many times, and have never been FDA-approved for anything before COVID-19 because they have no useful benefitto human health, and can only cause harm, injury and death. 

Per 18 USC 175, mRNA technologies are the literal, verbatim definition of a biological weapon. 

A biological weapon is any biological agent (mRNA), toxin (WIV spike S-2P), or delivery system (device/LNP/vaccine) that is not reasonably justified by a prophylactic or protective purpose; bona fide research, or other peaceful purposes.

mRNA technology is gene-editing technology. It can be used for purposes of inducing genetic mutations. According to the NIH, the cause of Sudden Unexplained Death in Children can be explained by genetic mutations. Specifically, “The researchers focused on 137 genes associated with heart or seizure disorders, both of which can trigger sudden death.”

Our government healthcare officials and industry leaders in mRNA technology are not surprised that children and young adults are suffering from massive heart inflammation, seizures, and sudden death. These are profoundly horrifying, but well-known effects of mRNA technology. This is why mRNA technology has never been FDA-approved for human use in its over 40 years of history. 

Call the mRNA injections bioweapons or weapons of mass destructions (WMDs), but stop calling them vaccines. The mRNA injections don’t prevent disease and they never did. The COVID-19 vaccines were designed to cause disease, disabilities and death; and Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, HHS, the FDA, CDC, the NIH and all of our government officials and government healthcare experts know it.

Innocent children are dying, pregnant women are having their babies murdered in their wombs, professional athletes are suffering heart attacks on the field, commercial airline pilots are becoming incapacitated during flight and then dying, young adults are becoming disabled or dying suddenly all across America. The injuries, diseases, and deaths caused by the mRNA injections are not side effects. They are intended consequences of an advanced technology bioweapon

In order to hold criminals to account, it’s critical that we and our trusted experts are able to clearly articulate and document how the COVID-19 mRNA injections do not meet the definition of a vaccine and that they are weapons of biowarfare.

Intended Consequences is a great place to begin.

German Authorities Charge Dr. Bhakdi with Crimes for Revealing Truths About Experimental COVID Shots that Kill/Injure People. Trial Set for May 23 in Free Range Prison Disguised as a Democracy

From [HERE] Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Former Chair, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. He has been telling the truth about COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines since the very beginning of the so-called “COVID-19 Pandemic.” As a result, in order to silence him, he has been vindictively accused of two unfounded charges in connection with two public statements he made in April and September of 2021. He is now facing a hearing at the lower court in Plön, Germany.

Read the timeline of Dr. Bhakdi’s legal case.

Dr. Bhakdi urgently needs your support.

Dr. Bhakdi has played a leading role in shaping and communicating the Doctors for COVID Ethics message. Doctors for COVID ethics have informed and will continue to inform the general public about COVID-19 and vaccination based on conscientious science. We support the right of Dr. Bhakdi’s freedom of speech, share his concerns, and stand with him.

Information on Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, MD

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: COVID is a Plandemic. A Carefully Planned Conspiracy Designed to Kill Us and Our Children; Create Panic Over COVID in Order to Coerce and Induce People to Take Deadly Injections

Black Surgeon General in FLA says Feds Ignored the Risks from mRNA COVID Shots and Manipulated the Public into Believing They were Harmless, Wants Answers. CDC/FDA Liberals Respond w/Personal Insults

From [HERE] Claiming that a “lack of transparency only harms Americans’ faith in science,” Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D., this week called on the nation’s top public health officials to “publicly” explain 12 key issues related to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

In a letter sent Wednesday to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky, Ladapo said:

“Your ongoing decision to ignore many of the risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines alongside your efforts to manipulate the public into thinking they are harmless, have resulted in a deep distrust in the American health care system.

“Beginning with Operation Warp Speed, and possibly to be continued with an additional $5 billion investment in Project NextGen, the federal government has relentlessly forced a premature vaccine into the arms of the American people with little to no concern for the serious adverse ramifications.”

Ladapo said the “data are unequivocal: After the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reporting increased by 1,700%, including a 4,400% increase in life-threatening conditions.”

Ladapo listed 12 points of data and demanded the health officials “publicly” explain their decision-making process around those data.

Commenting on the letter, blogger Igor Chudov said the surgeon general asks “all the right questions” about COVID-19 vaccines — and exposes the FDA and the CDC as “charlatans” engaging in “medical quackery.”

Chudov summarized Ladapo’s questions:

  • Why were randomized clinical trials not conducted for “Covid boosters” (such trials were necessary to establish that they are safe and effective)

  • Why did the FDA ignore many subclinical myocarditis reports and allow Pfizer to postpone its report on subclinical myocarditis?

  • Why were vaccine side effects intentionally ignored in V-Safe?

  • Why did the FDA allow Pfizer to hide the results of its clinical trial of Covid vaccines in pregnant women, that ended in 2022?

  • Why are the FDA and the CDC hiding negative effectiveness of Covid vaccines?

Wednesday’s letter is the latest in an ongoing exchange between Florida’s surgeon general and the agencies’ top officials that began when Ladapo, in a Feb. 15 letter, expressed concern about the adverse effects of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and asked FDA and CDC officials for greater transparency in publicly acknowledging these effects.

The letter corresponded with a health alert Ladapo issued that same day to the Florida healthcare sector and the public warning that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines caused a “substantial increase” in reports of adverse events in Florida.

The letter and health alert summarized the substantial increase in VAERS reports in Florida after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, including for life-threatening conditions. [MORE]

A Review of the Manufacturing Contracts between US DOD and Moderna Provide More Proof COVID mRNA Shots were a Military-Backed Countermeasure

From [HERE] Here is a high-level review of the manufacturing contracts between US DOD and Moderna. 

Moderna’s injection, mRNA-1273 is co-owned with the US Government, as the company has been funded by the defense research grants for years and also received intellectual property transfers from the US Government, in addition to preclinical and clinical research work conducted for Moderna by the NIH Vaccine Research Center. The NIH and Moderna each have a separate Investigational New Drug number for this product.

Moderna entered 2 types of contracts with the US Government for Spikevax injection:

  • “Vaccine” contract and amendments that specifies R&D projects that the US Government ordered and paid for. Note that in Pfizer’s case no R&D activities were ordered or paid for by the US Government, as these were excluded from the scope of the contract.

  • “Manufacturing” contract(s) that ordered a large-scale manufacturing. This is different from Pfizer manufacturing contracts as the words “demonstration” and “prototype” are not used. I believe this is because OTA contracts must be for prototypes but FAR contracting doesn’t have to be.

Note on redactions. In both Moderna and Pfizer’s contracts many areas are redacted indicating a reason for redaction – the “redaction codes.” Redacted content has been given codes b (4) and b (6), standing for:

(b) (4) Disclosure of information that would affect the application of advanced technology in a U.S. weapons system,


(b) (6) Disclosure of information, including information of foreign governments, that would cause serious harm to relations between the United States and a foreign government or to ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States.

There are several versions of the contract available, plus amendments. The first version was signed on August 9, 2020 and the last available version is June 15, 2021. In one of them the name of the signatory on the Moderna side was redacted with (b)(6). In another version it’s unredacted – it was Hamilton Bennett, a senior director of vaccine access and partnerships. [MORE]

DC Doctor Facing Suit for Allegedly Forcing 2 Black Children to Get Vaxxed by Preventing Them from Exiting a Mobile Clinic is from Same Medical Practice that Injected Kids w/o Ever Informing Parents

From [ATTY AARON SIRI] A recently filed lawsuit alleges that a pediatrician who works at MedStar in Washington, D.C., forcibly vaccinated two minors without parental consent. According to the lawsuit:

two minor children were held in a room by Defendant until she overcame their will and forcibly vaccinated them while physically preventing them from consulting with their mother, who was right outside the room.

As if that weren’t bad enough, the lawsuit further alleges: 

Minor children W.M. and K.M. were additionally provided with false and fraudulent information in order to obtain purported consent to a procedure in the absence of actual or freely given consent. Specifically, Dr. Rethy told the children that they were required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend school and that they had no lawful option to decline such vaccination.

What makes this story even more incredible is that this is the same pediatric practice that sought to vaccinate a minor child in the lawsuit we brought to strike down theMinor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020” passed by Washington D.C. in 2020. We succeeded in winning an injunction which resulted in the repeal of that law.

Before being repealed, the law permitted doctors in D.C. to vaccinate a child, 11 years of age or older, without their parent’s consent or knowledge, and created an elaborate and deceitful scheme in which the healthcare provider, insurance company, school, and health department all participated to hide from those parents the fact that their child had been vaccinated. According to the law, a child did not even need to be a resident of the District of Columbia in order to be vaccinated without parental consent!

In this previous case, the minor was subject to intense pressure and coercion to get vaccinated by a doctor and her staff at MedStar in D.C. When she eventually refused the vaccines, the doctor and staff took physical positions in the room that made her feel trapped! Thankfully, she was eventually able to escape without getting vaccinated.

These lawsuits expose a deeply concerning trend that must be stopped dead in its tracks. And these lawsuits should hopefully have that exact effect. 

To any doctor out there who injects a minor without parental consent, you should know this: if that child’s parent contacts our firm, expect to receive an unwanted injection of justice in return. 

For now, I am pleased to celebrate the repeal of the D.C. law that permitted vaccination of minors without parental consent and thank ICAN for making that lawsuit possible! 

Another Olympic Athlete Drops Dead. Sprinter Tori Bowie RIP [Coincidence Theorists Believe There is Nothing Unusual About the Substantial Number of People Dying Since the mRNA Vax Rollout]

Tori Bowie, a sprinter who won three medals at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and the next year won the world championship in the 100-meter dash with a stunning comeback, has died. She was 32.

Her death was confirmed in a statement on Wednesday by U.S.A. Track and Field, which provided no other details.

The Orange County, Fla., sheriff’s office said in a statement that its personnel went to a house in Winter Garden, Fla., on Tuesday to check on a woman in her 30s who had not been seen or heard from in several days. They entered the home and found the body of a woman, whom they tentatively identified as Frentorish “Tori” Bowie. The statement said “there were no signs of foul play.”

At the 2016 Olympics, Bowie won a gold medal in the 4x100 relay, anchoring a team with Tianna Bartoletta, Allyson Felix and English Gardner that finished the race with a time of 41.01. She won the silver medal in the 100-meter dash and bronze in the 200-meter. [MORE]

DeSantis Signs Bills Permanently Banning Deadly mRNA COVID "Vaccine" and Mask Mandates in Florida

From [HERE] Governor Ron DeSantis was in Destin Thursday morning signing his "Prescribe Freedom" legislation.

The bills permanently ban vaccine and mask mandates in Florida.

That includes government offices, schools and workplaces.

They also protect physicians who offer treatments other than those recommended by federal agencies.

"These restrictions and these mandates, the purpose of them was not to safeguard your health. The purpose was to control your behavior," DeSantis said.

The legislation also bans vaccine passports, gain of function research, and formally rejects world health organization recommendations in Florida.

Inducing Public Consent: US and UK Government docs reveal confidentiality agreements were made to Hide Injurious Reactions to COVID Shots from the Public


  • U.S. and U.K. health officials discussed “anaphylactoid reactions” due to COVID-19 shots and emphasized their “mutual confidentiality agreement” regarding the topic

  • The news was revealed in 57 pages of heavily redacted U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) records via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit

  • A government email exchange from May 14, 2021, also discusses concerns about administering COVID-19 shots along with other vaccines during pregnancy

  • Regulatory filings show Pfizer knew of its shots’ waning effectiveness in April 2021 but didn’t publicly acknowledge it until late July 2021

  • Preclinical studies for Pfizer’s COVID shots also warned of rhabdomyolysis, which is the breakdown of skeletal muscles, but the trial reported it was “completed with no safety concerns”

From [HERE] In the days leading up to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s approval of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 shot, an agreement was made to keep serious adverse reactions under wraps. U.S. and U.K. health officials discussed “anaphylactoid reactions” due to COVID shots and emphasized their “mutual confidentiality agreement” regarding the topic.1

The news was revealed by Judicial Watch, which obtained 57 pages of heavily redacted U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) records 2 via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. Initially, Judicial Watch submitted a FOIA request in August 2021 that specifically asked for: 3

“All emails sent to and from members of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee regarding adverse events, deaths and/or injuries caused by investigatory vaccines for the prevention or treatment of SARS-CoV-2 and/or COVID-19 currently produced by Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and/or Johnson & Johnson.”

The request was ignored, prompting the lawsuit that ultimately revealed the confidentiality agreement between U.S. and U.K. regulators. "Why are we engaged in a secret deal to keep secret information about adverse events related to the vaccines?" Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton asked. "I just think it's troubling. The documents speak for themselves." 4

US and UK Officials Make Pact to Keep Safety Issues Quiet

The pact was revealed in a series of email exchanges from December 2020. Initiated by Jonathan Mogford, policy director of the U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, and sent to FDA commissioner Janet Woodcock and Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Judicial Watch reported: 5

“As background, Mogford includes information on “two cases of anaphylactoid reactions in individuals with a strong past history of allergic reactions….” Marks replies to Mogford: “It would be very helpful if our Office of Vaccines could receive additional details [redacted] from MHRA [UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency] under the terms of our mutual confidentiality agreement.”

Mogford later replies, “… attached are [redacted] hope that’s helpful in the meantime. If I can just remind — information shared under our confidentiality agreement.””

An email exchange from May 14, 2021, also discusses concerns about administering COVID-19 shots along with other vaccines during pregnancy. According to Judicial Watch: 6

“The CDC’s Dr. Amanda Cohn emailed Office of Vaccines Research and Review Director Marion Gruber and Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Director Peter Marks with the subject line “Coadministration of COVID-19 Vaccines with Other Vaccines During Pregnancy.”

Gruber writes, “I am fine with this language.” Marks then responds to Cohn and her CDC colleague, Sarah Mbaeyi, “I can live with this too. Please let me know if you want to connect about the adverse event issue later today. Seems like work is still ongoing, but let me know. Thanks.”

Cohn replies, “We have a meeting with Rochelle [presumably CDC Director Rochelle Walensky] at 3:30 about if we should say anything or wait until we have more definitive information. I will let you know where we land. I’m not sure there is a right answer.””

“It again took a lawsuit for the Biden administration to hand over, albeit heavily redacted, information regarding the safety of the COVID vaccines that the public has every right to know,” Fitton said in a news release. “This disturbing batch of new documents have uncovered a secret confidentiality agreement tied to COVID vaccine safety issues and emails that raise new questions about the vaccines and pregnancy.” 7

Pfizer Hid Data on Lack of Effectiveness

After initially claiming in late 2020 that its COVID-19 shots were 95% effective, Pfizer’s COVID shots turned out to have rapidly waning protection of just 39%. 8 That figure was reported in July 2021 by the Israeli Ministry of Health. 9 Pfizer echoed the “declining trend in vaccine efficacy” in late July 2021, 10 but regulatory filings from April 2021 show Pfizer knew of the shots’ failures months earlier.

“It’s clear from the documents that these analyses were almost 4 months old by the time they became public,” Peter Doshi, associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, told Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., a former medical scientist with the University of Adelaide and former reporter for ABC News in Australia. 11

“It’s disappointing that neither Pfizer, nor regulators, disclosed these data until it was too obvious to ignore new outbreaks in Israel and Massachusetts, which made it clear that vaccine performance was not holding up,” he said. 12

 Even Pfizer’s six-month phase III trial data, released April 1, 2021, stayed silent on the shots’ waning efficacy. 13 And, at that time, health officials were still claiming that the shot would stop COVID-19 transmission. In May 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated “when you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health ... you become a dead end to the virus.”

As Doshi explained, “Publicly disclosing that efficacy waned so soon after authorization might have undermined the credibility of authorities, who’d been projecting great confidence about the vaccines’ ability to end the pandemic.”14

 But instead of transparency and supporting informed consent so Americans could make their own choice about the shots with all the data, Demasi reported: 15

“Within weeks of Pfizer publishing its data on waning efficacy, President Biden ordered all federal workers (and employees of contractors) to get vaccinated within 75 days, otherwise they’d face punishment or have their employment terminated.”

Shots’ Effects on Brain Known Since 2020

mRNA COVID-19 shots teach your cells to produce a protein, or piece of protein, that triggers an immune response, including the production of antibodies. 16 However, because natural mRNA is easily broken down, this means the experimental gene therapy needs a special delivery system to make it to the body’s cells.

The shots use lipid nanoparticles that contain polyethylene glycol (PEG) 17 for this purpose. The mRNA is wrapped in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) that carry it to your cells, and the LNPs are “PEGylated” — that is, chemically attached to PEG molecules to increase stability. 18

Usually, if you were to inject RNA into your body, enzymes would immediately break it apart, but the COVID-19 shots are specifically designed so that doesn’t happen. While it was originally advertised that COVID-19 shots “stay in the arm,” Pfizer knew since at least November 2020 that the shots may influence the brain.

Pfizer contracted Acuitas Therapeutics to conduct animal studies, which found LNPs from COVID-19 shots rapidly traveled to other areas, including the brain, eyes, heart, ovaries and other organs.19 20

 Naturopath Colleen Huber explained: 21

“Now that we have LNPs with their mRNA payload delivered past the BBB and into the brain, what do they do once they arrive to the fluid surrounding neurons? The rest is an easy journey for LNPs. Neurons take up LNPs — and they do so very efficiently, at 100 percent uptake, by means of apolipoprotein E, and usually without immune reaction at that point.

Apolipoprotein E is abundant in the brain — it is produced by astrocytes. The mechanism of uptake is endocytosis, in which the membrane of the neuron engulfs or swallows the approaching LNP. That has been observed since at least 2013. In this way, the Trojan Horse content of the LNP is delivered, because it was contained in a benign-seeming — to the neuronal membrane — package.”

A number of neurological injuries have been reported following COVID-19 shots, including ischemic stroke, Bell’s palsy, tinnitus and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. As for one mechanism of brain injury, Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), believes genetic modifications introduced by COVID-19 shots may induce immune cells to release large quantities of exosomes into circulation.

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that contain protein, DNA, RNA and other constituents, and may contain mRNA along with spike protein. According to Seneff and colleagues: 22

“[W]e present the evidence that vaccination, unlike natural infection, induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health.

We explain the mechanism by which immune cells release into the circulation large quantities of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites.

We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage.”

COVID Shots Melting Muscles

Preclinical studies for Pfizer’s COVID shots also warned of rhabdomyolysis, which is the breakdown of skeletal muscles. Writing in DailyClout, Dr. Robert Chandler reported:23

“The Pfizer documents 24

 contain results from a 17-day study of repeat dose injections of BNT162b2 [Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot] in Wistar Han rats. Myonecrosis and inflammation were identified histopathologically. The appearance was described as “Jellied” (Table 3), which is what rhabdomyolysis might look like after 17 days.”

Despite this and other concerning findings, including fibrosis, inflammation and myofiber degeneration present at the injection site, Chandler explains, “How was this data presented at the December 10, 2020, Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting regarding the Emergency Use Authorization for BNT162b2? … Completed with no safety concerns.” 25

A review of data from the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) also revealed a dramatic increase in reports of rhabdomyolysis following the rollout of COVID-19 shots. In fact, Chandler reveals: 26

“79% of all reported rhabdomyolysis cases occurred in the two complete years (2021 and 2022) after the EUA was approved in December of 2020 … A dramatic, 37-fold increase in the annual rate of cases of rhabdomyolysis occurred after mass inoculation with Spike Producing Genetic Therapy Products began in December 2020. COVID-19 (2020) did not cause an increase in rhabdomyolysis reporting in VAERS compared with years 2001-2020.”

A number of case reports have since been published of “COVID-19 mRNA vaccination-induced rhabdomyolysis,” including in a 16-year-old male two days after his first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot 27 and a 21-year-old male one day after his first COVID-19 shot. 28

The findings that Pfizer and government officials were aware of serious adverse events and waning effectiveness of COVID-19 shots but neglected to share this with the public will only further undermine trust in public health authorities.

As Martin Kulldorff — co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, which scientifically critiqued the effects of prolonged lockdowns in response to COVID-19 — told Demasi, “In public health, it is important to be honest with the public. Pfizer should have reported the declining vaccine efficacy in its April 1, 2021, press release, which they clearly knew about at the time.” 29

Likewise with the numerous reports of adverse events linked to the shots, which have now been linked to an explosion of excess deaths.