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Ohio Puppetician with Psychopathic Racial Disorder Says 11-Year-Old Black Girl Tased in the Back by Black Cop Deserved it & was Morally Wrong for Shoplifting

For the most part white people treat each other humanely. But in their relations with non-white people, racists function as psychopaths. Dr. Bobby Wright has explained, 'the psychopath is an individual who is constantly in conflict with other persons or groups. He is unable to experience guilt, is completely selfish and callous, and has a total disregard for the rights of others. Psychopaths simply ignore the concept of right and wrong. By ignoring this trait in the White race (the lack of ethical and moral development) Blacks have made and are still making a tragic mistake in basing the worldwide Black liberation movement on moral suasion. It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting to use moral suasion on a people who have no morality where race is the variable.' Wright called this condition affecting whites the psychopathic racial personality [MORE]

authoritarians expect Black “citizens” to be obedient to governmental rule not only as a political obligation but a moral necessity in accordance with programming designed to give THEM a "ruled" mind-virus mentality.” Obedience here MEANS, “the highest form of the power-fear systemic or slavery sold to both children and adults alike deceptively packaged in a respectfully sounding label and reverse terrorism.” [MORE]

"Lawless Society” - a socio-juristic human relation confliguration where law is upheld, codified, and deified over humanity. If you fear or worry about its advent, you'll certainly never recognize its presence. 2) a Police State of the Overruling Class" - from FUNKTIONARY.

BLACK ON BLACK CRIME IN SERVICE OF WHITE DOMINATION. From [TechDirt] and [MORE] Cincinnati police officer Kevin Brown’s decision to fire a Taser at an 11-year-old girl suspected of shoplifting from a grocery store in August immediately drew criticism from city officials and advocates. The Black cop told the child, “You know, sweetheart, this is why there’s no grocery stores in the black community.” [MORE]

The girl can be seen on the body camera footage [which he turned off prior to the incident and turned back on after] asking Brown if the Taser barbs were still embedded in her skin.

"It's in my body?" she asked. "They in my body?"

He explained, that yes, they were in her skin, but he's not supposed to take them out.

She was scared and crying at times as an all-male team of EMTs urge her to remain calm. The fire department removed the barbs and she was taken to Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. 

The girl was charged with theft and obstructing official business, but Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters dropped the charges saying police are supposed to confer with his office on charges related to children and that did not happen.[MORE]

But Ohio state Representative John Becker had a different take. Had it been his daughter, he announced in an August newsletter, “I’d be ashamed and embarrassed that she did something stupid enough to get herself tased.”

This is even worse than the police union's take on the incident, which referred to the completely expected backlash as "kneejerk." But, hey, I guess deciding to tase an 11-year-old in the back -- one who reportedly was all of 4'11'' and 90 pounds -- couldn't possibly be portrayed as a kneejerk reaction by a law enforcement officer. When force isn't truly needed, we can be sure some cops will deploy it anyway.

But Rep. John Becker's take is the hottest take of all. Anyone tased by a cop -- even an 11-year-old -- is a person who brought that crackling, barbed punishment down on themselves. There's no reason to question the wisdom or necessity of the Taser deployment. Rather, we should question ourselves. And perhaps society. But mostly ourselves.

Becker also addressed police shootings in his newsletter. If his child were shot by police, he wrote, “rather than blaming the cop, I’d be blaming myself and endlessly soul searching to figure out how I failed as a parent and why my kid grew up to be a punk.” He added, “Based on the evidence of what I see on television, it often times appears to me that justice was delivered to the dead punk.”

"Based on the evidence of what I see on television…" Holy shit. This is an elected representative. And he thinks the TV is giving him the "evidence" he needs to make snap judgments on tased kids. Blame the victim. And blame the victim's parents.

Cincinnati Police Chief Eliot Isaac said the Taser deployment was "unnecessary" and “we will make some changes but overall we believe we have a very solid policy.” “We” here means the masters he serves. Chief Isaac is another Straw-Boss - a Sambo who is appointed a certain oversight role for the white power Overseer. [MORE]

Becker also told The Appeal that if police tase a child, “it could be an indication of a parenting problem.” He added, “If I were to do research, I would expect to find that kids that come from two parent in-tact [sic] supportive families are less likely to get in trouble with the authorities than kids that came from tougher environments.”

"If I were to do the research…" Would this be research beyond the television watching that's given Becker such keen insight into officer-involved shootings? Who knows? Becker's certainly not going to do the research. He's just going to stick by his electro-guns and blame victims of cop violence for being raised badly or otherwise being harmed by the disintegration of the nuclear family unit -- the 2.5 children born to married heterosexuals who have managed to weather an escalating divorce rate, porn, video games, movies, television, the internet, social media, Satanism, multiple pagan-based holidays, postal rate hikes, alternate sexual orientations, public school indoctrination, Daylight Savings Time, mandatory vaccinations, HAARP projects (known and unknown), President Obama, Brown v. Board of Education, morning-after pills, weird Twitter, the removal of prayer from schools, the Simpsons, artistic expression in general, and whatever else has reduced the American way of life to a hideous nightmare where punk kids manage to live their whole lives without being deservedly tased by blameless, saintly police officers.

Becker is an idiot, but let's pretend the research he didn't do actually says what he thinks it will say. Even if a majority of kids tased/killed by cops are raised by single and/or inattentive parents, that doesn't justify force deployments that far exceed the danger presented by the developing situation. This 11-year-old was tased in the back by an officer who was taller, weighed more, and had the ability to summon any number of additional officers if it appeared this preteen was going to, I don't know, grow a foot, add 100 pounds of weight, and produce an arsenal of weapons before the officer got the mild shoplifting situation under control.

Incredibly, current Ohio state law allows police to tase children as young as seven. Speaking with WLWT, Cincinnati Vice Mayor Chris Smitherman said that he’s “introduced legislation previously on raising the tasing age from 7 to 12 and I’m hoping council will revisit this now raising the age for tasing.”

If you agree with John Becker, you're probably John Becker. Or a cop who hates using force reasonably or responsibly. But you're definitely not the sort of person who can be trusted with government power.