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soldiers – tools (living human resources—walking fodder) corporate mercenaries used by legisTraitors and media to impose the will of their Corporate masters and imperialistic soothsayers - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

soldiers – tools (living human resources—walking fodder); corporate mercenaries used by the legistraitors, wordsymthologists, journalists, and politicians to impose the will of their Corporate masters and imperialistic soothsayers (i.e., CrimethInc.). “It is impossible to give the soldier a good education without making him a deserter. His natural foe is the government that drills him.” ~H.D. Thoreau. Anyone overstanding the real cost of war (not counting the costs of perpetrating it) and the fictitious nature of Corporate State and the real benefactors behind the scenes—has to become a conscientious objector or an enemy outpost in one’s own (controlled by another) mind. The ideologues of vanity manipulate the power-hungry purveyors of profit-motive insanity into perpetrating crimes against humanity. (See: GI Bill, Citizen DUPE, CABS, Class, Mass & Souldier)