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GOINTELBRO – "Government Operative Incognegro Notifying The Enforcers Liberating Blackamerica’s Racist Oppressors" - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY

GOINTELBRO – Government Operative Incognegro Notifying The Enforcers Liberating Blackamerica’s Racist Oppressors. A Gointel-bro is a sorry-ass sophisticated hanky-head, coin-operated, Sam-Bohican, Snigger on the payrolls of the F.B.I. (or any other alphabet threat agency) as an undercover informant to foment divisiveness in Blackamerica’s ongoing centuries-long struggle for socioeconomic advancement as a people. Sniggers are equal in intent, and bound by the same flaw—covertly soul-selling out the potential self-determination of his people for the sake of his Massa’s overtly racist, statist or fascist law. (See: Snigger, COINTELPRO, Sambo, Black Flask Brigade, BOHICAN & Coin-Operated)