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No Such thing as "White Hispanic." Zimmerman aka "datniggytb" is a White Man. He is Not 'Neighborhood Watch.' He is a Racist Suspect

In above video, Chuck D. On CNN: 'Since Reagan And Bush, There's Been Nothing But Guns And Drugs in the Black Community' [HERE

No Such thing as "white hispanic" CNN. Zimmerman is a white man or racist suspect charged with murdering a Black person. His father is a white Jewish man and his mother is from Barcelona, Spain - which is in Europe (see unconfirmed photo below). At any rate, he certainly has been treated as if he were white by white police officers, prosecutors, judges, the white Governor, the white media and - other white folks.

"White" man is the reason he was released from custody after murdering an unarmed Black teen. "White" is the reason it took nearly 30 days to even charge him with a crime. "White" is the reason he is at-large now despite lying to the court about his finances and the status of his passport. He was not a "neighborhood watch volunteer" during the Trayvon incident. Such descriptions are deception to hide racism/white supremacy in the administration of justice.

White supremacy/racism is on full display whenever "white defendants" or "white complaining victims" enter a criminal courtroom, especially if non-whites are involved. Go to your local court and check it out for yourself. Being "white" has everything to do with; whether police will stop or arrest, whether prosecutors will charge, what prosecutors will charge, the quality of the plea offered, the penalties prosecutors will seek, pre-trial detention or release and what sentence will be imposed. Mostly, what you notice in court is that white defendants are treated humanely (by white judges, prosecutors and police) and are actually presumed to be innocent, which is not the way non-whites are treated. 

In a white supremacy system White life is more valuable than non-white life; Racists must be able to more easily get away with murdering non-white people.  Expect only more White Supremacy/racism in the Trayvon Martin case. If there is justice then be pleasantly surprised. 

According to the Miami Herald, Zimmernan posted the following about "Hispanics" under the username “datniggytb” on his MySpace page,

"I don't miss driving around scared to hit mexicans walkin on the side of the street, soft (expletive) wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint around (what are you provin, that you can dent a car when no ones watchin) don't make you a man in my book," Zimmerman wrote on the page. "Workin 96 hours to get a decent pay check, gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!" [MORE


The World is 90% Non-White.  Who decided that you were a Black person or a Latino person? White people did. They created the race concept. Who made up the terms "Hispanic", "Latino" and "Negro"? The same people who made up the terms Tostitos, Doritos and Africa! [MORE]. 

If the ONLY purpose of “race” is to practice racism, and whites are the only group or “race” (in a white supremacy system) that can practice racism, then it is logical to assume there is only one race: the white race. [MORE]

Deceit to Produce Confusion Among Non-Whites According to Dr. Blynd, race is an artificial "European" invention with real consequences. Race is not real but racism is. Race has been created to be wrongly confused with ethnic identity in order to establish the sense of "otherness" and dehumanization of melanated peoples around the globe. [MORE]