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Arizona introduces bill to defend murdering militias against wrongdoing involving Latino immigrants

From [HERE] In the year 2010 people argued about whether SB1070 was racist.

Remember all the Facebook arguments and all the defriending that took place? Then came HB2281, the ban on ethnic studies, the ban on teachers with Spanish accents, etc…

Still people said race has nothing to do with it.

Now it is 2011 and Arizona Republicans are removing all doubt about their racist and hateful intentions. You have heard about repealing the 14th Amendment to deny “anchor babies” citizenship (SB1308/1309), birther bills to attempt to keep the black president from running for reelection in Arizona (HB2544), and other bills that require doctors to determine citizenship status in a hospital before administering care (SB1405), increasing the penalty for immigrants renting a place with forged documents which applies to just about all of them (SB1225), and many more…

Now comes HB2191, which is just about as cruel and evil as you can conceive of. It is basically a Minutemen defense bill aimed at defending the rights of armed militias hunting Mexicans for sport out in the deserts of Arizona.

If they hurt someone, too bad for the Mexican, as this bill protects any evil or illegal activity these right-wing militias may be involved in (see video above).

To add insult to injury, this bill comes as Shawna Forde, leader of the Minuteman, was found guilty for the murder of Brisenia Flores outside of Tucson.

Here is the text of the bill:

12-512. Actions by illegal aliens prohibited

A person who is present in this state in violation of federal immigration law related to improper entry by an alien shall not be awarded punitive damages in any action in any court in this state.

Sec. 2. Retroactivity

This act applies retroactively to any cause of action that accrues on or after January 1, 2004.”

The Arizona Republican leadership is plain and simply evil as they attack an underclass of our society and deny them their basic human rights. Democrats may not pass any bills this year or next, but they should distance themselves as far as possible from the Russell Pearce Republicans, and certainly not go on TV and profess that “I love Russell Pearce.”

Especially with a recall effort underway, you are slapping the progressives in the face with such nonsense!