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George Bush: American Hitler

A cancer infects this country, spreading like wildfire, devouring the flesh of our society and threatening to turn what was once the greatest nation on Earth into a rotting corpse of political corruption, greed and abuse of power. This cancer has a name: George W. Bush. Yeah, yeah. Call me a Bush-basher if you want. I don’t give a damn. If you still support this madman check yourslef into the nearest psychiatric hospital for shock therapy. Somebody has to stand up against this American Hitler, this destroyer of freedom, this Devil with a drawl. I’ve watched a lot of dangerous men pass through the portals of politics in my lifetime: Demagogues like Senator Joseph W. McCarthy, Racists like Alabama Governor (and Presidential candidate) George Wallace and Former Klu Klux Klan leader David Duke (another Presidential candidate) as well as tail-chasing, vendetta-driven despots like Bill Clinton. But none, repeat none, compare to the fear mongering, hatred, homophobia and anti-American actions of Dubya and his klavern of fanatics who are hell-bent to destroy the Constitution, personal freedoms, civil liberties and just about anything else that provide the foundation of this place called America. No President has done more to destroy freedom in America. [ more ]