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Rep. Jackson Jr. - 'I have no plans to run for mayor of Chicago

U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. reiterated Saturday he has no desire to run against Mayor Daley in 2006 but didn't rule out the possibility in the future. "I have no plans to run for mayor. I only have plans to run for Congress again in 2006," Jackson said in a speech at the Rainbow/PUSH headquarters focusing on the legacy of the late Mayor Harold Washington. Afterward, Jackson said, "I have not authorized any voter registration drives in my name. I have not set up any exploratory committees. . . .so you'll have to take me at my word when I tell you that I enjoy being in Congress." When further pressed, however, Jackson said, "I have never ruled [running for mayor] in or out. I have not closed any opportunities for the future. Jackson made references to recent Daley administration scandals during his speech. But he also said Daley has the opportunity to redeem himself by using Washington's "fair and open" government practices. "Chicago doesn't need an African-American mayor. It doesn't need a Hispanic mayor. It doesn't need an Asian mayor. It doesn't need a gay mayor, a straight mayor, a female mayor or a white mayor. We may even be able to keep the one we've got -- but he needs to be born again," Jackson told the crowd. [more]