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Dems Want To Hike Maryland's Minimum Wage By $1 - Republicans Against it

State Democratic leaders launched a campaign this week aimed at giving workers higher pay. The bill would increase the minimum wage in Maryland to $6.15 an hour -- but the Ehrlich administration has already voiced opposition, WBAL-TV 11 News reporter David Collins reported. Some at the Statehouse already consider the bill veto bait as legislators go fishing for enough support to override the governor's objections, Collins said. Until recently, Maryland workers like Tabe Obi work multiple jobs. Obi works three jobs, almost around the clock, just to make ends meet, Collins said. He and an estimated 62,000 other Marylanders are paid the current minimum wage: $5.15 an hour. "We always go to work because, without it, we can't ride the bus. Without it, we cannot pay the rent, we cannot buy milk for our kids," Obi said. Senate President Mike Miller is leading the charge to increase the state minimum wage by $1. He wants to move a bill that would survive the governor's expected veto, Collins said. "The minimum wage impacts largely women and minorities. As a state, we can do better," Miller said. Gov. Bob Ehrlich, with the backing of the state's chamber of commerce, argued that a mandated raise in pay would increase costs for busines. [more] and [more]
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