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Racist Suspect: Robert McCulloch

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Offending Conduct:  Robert McCulloch, the St. Louis County prosecutor prosecutor assigned to the Michael Brown case, willfully and deliberately demonstrated a willingness to participate in action and speech to establish, maintain, expand, and/or refine the practice of White Supremacy (Racism) in the areas of Law. He is a democrat. McCulloch could have directly filed charges against Darren Wilson, the white cop who shot Michael Brown to death, but instead chose to take the case to a grand jury. It is believed that McCulloch did not want the grand jury to indict the white police officer. He selected a mostly white (9 out of 12) grand jury. McCulloch’s prosecutors handling the case took the highly unusual course of dumping all evidence on the jurors and leaving them to make sense of it. McCulloch’s office claimed that this is a way to give more authority to the grand jurors, but it was more like a way to avoid charging Wilson at all — and to use the grand jury as cover for the outrage that ensued. McCulloch's father was a police officer killed in a shootout with a black suspect, and several of his family members are, or were, police officers. He has not prosecuted a single police shooting in 23 years. [MORE] and [MORE].

Under the pretense of working to obtain justice for Black people, McCulloch has purposefully created injustice. This is the ultimate hypocrisy. Although he had the opportunity and the ability to give constructive help to Non-White people he refused to do so. Rather, his speech and conduct directly or indirectly promoted the maintenance and/or refinement of the System of White Supremacy (Racism) in the area of Law and Politics.  Even Nancy Grace thought the Ferguson Grand Jury McCulloch created was bullshit.