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LAPD Chief Orders Smaller Flashlights - Still NO Justice for Stanley Miller Beating

  • but LA Police Officers still have Guns, Batons, Fists, Feet and Racist Minds
Los Angeles' police chief said he would direct officers to switch to smaller and lighter flashlights after a divided Police Commission on Tuesday deferred the politically charged decision to him. Chief William J. Bratton said the catalyst for the change was the case of car-theft suspect Stanley Miller, who was repeatedly struck with an oversized 2-pound metal flashlight by a Los Angeles Police Department officer during a televised incident 10 months ago. Bratton said the new flashlights would be 10 inches long or shorter, would weigh less than 12 ounces and, unless shorter than 6.9 inches, must be made of rubber or polymer. More than 250 recruits in training will receive smaller flashlights in the coming weeks, he said. Some officers may already have their own flashlights that meet the new specifications. [more]
  • Pictured above: Stanley Miller shortly after his beat down by LAPD Officers using flashlights last July. The brutal beating was partially captured on videotape. No officers were ever punished. Miller claims to have brain damage. A Civil suit is pending