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Elite Racists and their Rolebots Have Tricked Sheeple Into Believing ‘King Was a Dreamer:’ MLK was a Non-Violent Rebel, Willing to Give His Life to Obtain Freedom and Destroy All Forms of Slavery


According to the great rebel Sam Greenlee:


I wonder what he thought in





moment when he must have

realized that turn the cheek

don’t work when you been

slapped by a .30-.30 slug?

IN THE SPECTACLE ELITE RACISTS SPEAK TO BLACK SHEEPLE THROUGH ‘AMATEUR PROBOT’ ENTERTAINERS, ATHLETES, COMEDIANS, LEGIS-TRAITORS AND OTHER COIN-OPERATED, WOODEN DUMMIES who aslo function as their political leaders. to rational observers this is digression. Neely Fuller might describe this devolution as part of the “the refinement of the system of racism white supremacy.” FUNKTIONARY explains the white over black system of vast unequal power is now maintained through “cooperative control” and consensual master/servant relations between whites and Blacks. ISIAH THOMAS (in photo above) PROBABLY HAS A VAGINA.

According to FUNKTIONARY:

rebel – one who lives authentically in the present, spontaneously responding to life according to the dictates of his/her inner voice and undivided intent and unrelenting will. Rebellion is unorganized, autonomous and individualistic. Wherever there is organized rebellion, it is no longer rebellion but rather revolution planned by revolutionaries—for in the very organization, the rebellion and the rebel both die. Revolution is a social phenomenon; rebellion is meditative. Lao Tzu was a rebel; Confucius and Karl Marx were not rebels. Martin Luther was purely a cunning politician fronting as a rebel, joining vested interests after creating a rift in Christianity. He was protesting the power of the Pope, not so that power should be distributed, but that he should be given the power. The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on the other hand, was a non-violent rebel. The philosophy of a rebel is always that of decentralization of power, and is the acid test of the true nature of a rebellion. A rebel is one who would rather live in hell along with those who are Alive authentically living their own reality than to be in heaven with those thinking they hold and know the truth—vicariously living. If your mama or daddy taught you well, you wouldn’t conform, assimilate, or shirk, you’d raise your frequency, change the channel and rebel. For a rebel, its space is always here, and its time is always now. To a rebel, the past is an unnecessary burden—one need not carry it. (See: Authenticity, Presence, Selt-Realization, Protestant, Pope, The Reformation, Revolution, Religion, Ideology, Ego, Mass, Class, Collective, Assimilation, Conformity & Rebellion)

rebel” – (as commonly understood)—anyone who blames the “System” or “They” (i.e. the powers that believe themselves to be) or the scapegoat-du-jour for everything perceived to be “wrong”—yet fails to take responsibility for the power and autonomy he or she has unknowingly abdicated (given away) to the very force that is responsible for his or her paranoia, displeasure, injustice, discomfort, repression, oppression, resentment, sublimation, anxiety, despair, condemnation or ire. 2) someone who goes against something because it has power or alleged authority over him/her. 3) one who mistakes outer revolution for inner evolution. (See: Volunteer Servitude, “Assemblage Point,” Autonomy, Rebellion, Parental Conditioning, Oppression, Participation, Identification, Justice, Inherent Rights, Adherent Rights, Mastar, Individuation, Freedom, Liberation, Resistance & Citizen)

rebelation – (Subonics)—a revelation received (or insight projected) that imparts the message: to get up, stand-up, and fight for one’s authenticity, integrity, dignity and survival. Just because you may stand-up for something does not necessarily imply that you are upstanding or that you won’t fall for anything either. (See: Rebellion, Transformation & Resistance)